You can learn Korean through AOA - Good Luck with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, and quizzes. The following is made up of Korean, literal order and English translation for Korean learners and you can take quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the number in Grammar pages. If this is your first visit, please check the page 'K-Grammar basics' I hope you enjoy learning Korean and my blog will be much helpful. ^_^ Please visit my Facebook page and ' like' it to get the latest updates in your news feed. If you are seriously interested in learning Korean by Skype , please contact my personal facebook and drop me a message for more information .
Please go to #19
AOA - Good Luck ( released in May, 2016)
Good luck
길이 길이
You like me
Good luck
길이 길이
I like you
Good luck
놓치지 마 (G2)
lose don’t
(Don't lose me.)
Lucky lucky
Good luck
나는 너의
I (am) your
Lucky lucky
단어 ) 길이 길이 : forever , 놓치다 :to lose , to miss , 나 :I (casual) , 너의 :your ( casual)
어디서나 / 어딜 가나 (G77)
Wherever (I’m) / wherever (I) go
당당한 Walking (G14)
Confident walking
흑백 세상 속에
black & white world in
( In the black & white world)
나는 컬러풀한 Scene (G14)
I (am) colorful scene.)
Girls girls on top
더 자신 있게
( more confidently)
Boom boom beat drop
꾸미지 않아도 (G21,20)
dress up (I) don’t though
혼자 주목 받는 Skill (G6)
alone attention receiving skill
( Skill to receive attention alone without dressing- up)
재미없는 남자들은 (G6)
boring guys
한 순간에 Skip
one moment in skip
( Skip boring guys in a moment)
Girls girls on top
그 중에서도
them among even
( Even among them )
I’m I’m the top
날 둘러싸는 시선이 (G6)
날 둘러싸는 시선이 (G6)
me surrounding eyes
( Eyes around me )
반해 버린 눈빛이 (G56,14)
fascinated eyes
시시하게 느껴져 (G87)
dully feel
( They feel dull.)
Wooh wooh Yeah yeah
내 사랑 갖고 싶다면 (G4,22-1)
my love get want
( If you want to get my love, )
내 맘 뺏고 싶다면 ( G4,22-1)
My heart steal want
( If you want to steal my heart, )
색다르게 시작해
Quite differently start
( Start quite differently.)
절대 나를 놓치지는 마 (G2)
at all me lose don't
( Never lose me.)
단어 ) 어디서나 : wherever, 당당하다 : to be confident, 흑백 : black & white , 세상 : world , N 속에 : in N , 더 : more , 자신 있게: confidently, 꾸미다 :to dress up , 혼자 :alone , 주목 : attention, 받다 : to receive , 재미없다: to be boring, 남자들 : guys , 한 순간 :one moment, 그 중에서 : among them ( those ) , N도 : even N , 날 :me ( casual) , 둘러싸다 : to surround, 시선 : eyes 반하다 : to be fascinated, 눈빛 : eyes , 시시하게 : dully , 느끼다 : to feel , 내 : my (casual) , 사랑 : love , 갖다 : to have , 맘 : heart , 뺏다 : to steal, 색다르게 : quite differently , 시작하다 : to start , 절대: never , 나를 : me (casual) , 놓치다 :to lose , to miss
Good luck
길이 길이
You like me
Good luck
길이 길이
I like you
Good luck
손 내밀어
hand reach out
( Reach out your hand.)
Lucky lucky
Good luck
나는 너의
I (am) your
Lucky lucky
Good luck
길이 길이
You like me
Good luck
길이 길이
I like you
Good luck
놓치지 마 (G2)
lose don’t
(Don't lose me.)
Lucky lucky
Good luck
나는 너의
I (am) your
Lucky lucky
단어 ) 길이 길이 : forever , 손 : hand(s), 내밀다 : to reach out , 놓치다 :to lose , to miss , 나 :I (casual) , 너의 :your ( casual)
Hey yeah
지루해진 너에게 (G14)
became boring you to
( To you who became boring )
난 얼음처럼 Chill
I ice like chill
( I'm chill like ice. )
머릴 써 봐 (G9)
brain use try
( Try using your brain.)
( It's loose.)
뻔한 사랑은 Kick (G14)
predictable love Kick
( Kick the predictable love.)
Boys boys watch out
니 가슴속에
your heart in
( In your heart )
Boom boom beat drop
콧대 높게 굴지만 (G30)
Nose bridge highly (I) act but
( I act stuck -up but )
까다롭긴 하지만 (G97,30)
(I'm) picky but
아직 서투를 뿐이야 (G89,41)
still clumzy just
( Still I'm just clumzy.)
Yeah yeah
차가운 말투지만 (G14,30)
cold way of talking but
( Despite my cold way of talking,)
보기보다 Lovely girl (G5)
Looking than lovely girl
( I am a more lovely girl than I look.)
정말 날 원한다면 (G22)
really me want if
( If you really want me,)
절대 나를 놓치지는 마 (G2)
At all me lose don't
( Never lose me.)
단어 ) 지루해지다 : to become boring, 너에게 :to you ( casual) , 난 :I (casual, a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker ) , 얼음 : ice , N처럼 : like N , 머리 : head , 쓰다 : to use , 뻔하다 : to be predictable, 사랑 : love , 니 : your (casual) , 가슴 : heart , N속에 : in(side) N ,콧대 높게 굴다 : to act stuck- up , 까다롭다 : to be picky , 아직 : still , 서투르다 : to be clumzy, 차갑다 : to be cold , 말투 : way of talking, 보다 : to look , N보다 : than N , 정말 : really, 날 : me ( casual , a short form of 나를 , 나 : I , 를 : object marker ) , 원하다 : to want , 절대 : never , 나를 : me ( casual) , 놓치다 : to lose , to miss
Good luck
길이 길이
You like me
Good luck
길이 길이
I like you
Good luck
손 내밀어
hand reach out
( Reach out your hand.)
Lucky lucky
Good luck
나는 너의
I (am) your
Lucky lucky
Good luck
길이 길이
You like me
Good luck
길이 길이
I like you
Good luck
놓치지 마 (G2)
lose don’t
(Don't lose me.)
Lucky lucky
Good luck
나는 너의
I (am) your
Lucky lucky
단어 ) 길이 길이 : forever , 손 : hand(s), 내밀다 : to reach out , 놓치다 :to lose , to miss , 나 :I (casual) , 너의 :your ( casual)
수작 부리는 걸 볼 줄 아는 Skill (G50,6)
수작 부리는 걸 볼 줄 아는 Skill (G50,6)
hitting on (me ) recognizing skill
( Skill recognizing hitting on me )
진부한 남자애들은 다 Skip (G14)
Old - fashioned boys all skip
( Skip all old-fashioned boys.)
그래, 너는 왕자님
Yes , you (are) a prince
미안한데, 아가 (G38-1)
( Sorry but , babe)
나는 South God Queen
I (am) south god queen
내게 / 야하고 싶어하는 애들 (G4,6)
to me / bae call want boys
( Boys who wanna call me bae)
잘 봐
well look
( Look carefully .)
눈높이가 달라
eye level different
( My aim is different.)
You boy go wow wow
난 주인공
I (am ) the heroine
넌 Extra boy
You (are) an extra boy
Good luck yeah good luck
I give you extra love
내 사랑 갖고 싶다면 (G4,22-1)
my love get want
( If you want to get my love,)
내 맘 뺏고 싶다면 ( G4,22-1)
My heart steal want
( If you want to steal my heart,)
색다르게 시작해
Quite differently start
( Start quite differently.)
Yeah, good luck
단어 ) - 한테 수작 부리다 : to hit on - , 볼 줄 알다 : to recognize , 진부하다 : to be old-fashioned, 남자애들 : boys , 다 : all , 그래 : yes , ok , 너 : you ( casual) , 왕자님 : prince, 미안하다 : to be sorry , 아가 : baby , 나 : I ( casual) , 내게 : to me (casual) , 야! 하다 : to call someone bae or hey , 잘 보다 : to look carefully, 눈높이: eye level, aim , 다르다 : to be different, 난 :I (casual, a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker ) , 주인공 : heroine, 넌 :you (casual, a short form of 너는 , 너 : I , 는 : topic marker ) ,내 : my (casual) , 사랑 : love , 갖다 : to have , 맘 : heart , 뺏다 : to steal, 색다르게 : quite differently , 시작하다 : to start
Good luck
길이 길이
You like me
Good luck
길이 길이
I like you
Good luck
손 내밀어
hand reach out
( Reach out your hand.)
Lucky lucky
Good luck
나는 너의
I (am) your
Lucky lucky
Good luck
길이 길이
You like me
Good luck
길이 길이
I like you
Good luck
놓치지 마 (G2)
lose don’t
(Don't lose me.)
Lucky lucky
Good luck
나는 너의
I (am) your
Lucky lucky
Good luck
놓치지 마 (G2)
lose don’t
(Don't lose me.)
Lucky lucky
Good luck
나는 너의
I (am) your
Lucky lucky
단어 ) 길이 길이 : forever , 손 : hand(s), 내밀다 : to reach out , 놓치다 :to lose , to miss , 나 :I (casual) , 너의 :your ( casual)
단어 ) 길이 길이 : forever , 손 : hand(s), 내밀다 : to reach out , 놓치다 :to lose , to miss , 나 :I (casual) , 너의 :your ( casual)
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