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61. V/A -잖아요, " As you know S V "
For the present tense, add V/A stem to 잖아요. This becomes casual talk without 요 at the end.
왜: why 좋아하다: to like 멋있다: to be cool, stylish
A: 2Ne1 왜 좋아해? (casual) -> Why do you like 2Ne1?
B: 멋있잖아.(casual) -> As you know, they are stylish.
62. V/ A ( 은) ㄴ걸요 " mere protest or regret ending"
When the V/ A ends in a consonant, add 은걸요. When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add ㄴ 걸요. Without 요 at the end, it becomes a casual talk
열쇠: key 니: you (casual) 가지다: to have 나한테: to me ( casual) 왜: why 물어보다: to ask 너무: too 늦게 오다: to come late 표: ticket 다 팔리다 : to be sold out
열쇠는 니가 가진걸, 나한테 왜 물어봐? (casual) -> you have the keys, why are you asking me?
너무 늦게 왔어. 표가 다 팔린걸.(casual) ->(I) came too late. The tickets were all sold out
62-1). N 인걸요 " mere protest or regret ending"
Without 요 at the end, it becomes a casual talk
왜: why 나를 : me 떠나다: to meet 너: you(casual) 나의: my 처음이자 마지막: the first and last at the same time
왜 나를 떠나? 너는 나의 처음이자 마지막인걸 (casual) -> Why are you leaving me? You are my first and last.
63. V-는 / A,V-은(ㄴ) / N-인 듯 하다. “ to seem ( sound) like that ~ “
1) For present tense verbs, add 는 듯 해요 Without 요 at the end, it becomes a casual talk.
비 오다: to rain
비 오는 듯 해.(casual) -> It seems like that it is raining.
2) For adjectives and past tense verbs , when the stem ends in a consonant, add 은 듯 해요. When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add ㄴ 듯해요. Without 요 at the end, it becomes a casual talk.
이 N: this N 원피스: a dress ( Konglish meaning “ one piece”) 작다: to be small 방금 전에: just a moment ago
이 원피스는 작은 듯 해. (casual) -> This dress seems to be small.
방금전에 비 온 듯 해요. ( formal) -> It seems like it rained just a moment ago.
3) For nouns, add 인 듯 해요. Without 요 at the end, it becomes a casual talk.
그 N: that N 여자: woman, girl 너무: so 아름답다: to be beautiful 여신: goddess
그 여자는 너무 아름다워서 여신인 듯 해. ( casual) -> That woman is so beautiful that she seems to be a goddess.
4) For future tense verbs, when the stem ends in a consonant, add 을 듯 해요.. When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add ㄹ 듯해요. Without 요 at the end, it becomes a casual talk.
오늘 밤: tonight 비 오다 : to rain
오늘 밤 비 올듯 해.(casual) -> It seems like that it is going to rain tonight.
64. V,A -(은)ㄴ / V-는 / V-(을)ㄹ/ N 만큼
This is used to indicate that the action, state and nouns described in the first clause is similar or equivalent to that in the second clause.
1) For adjectives and past tense verbs, when the stem ends in a consonant, add 은 만큼. When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add ㄴ 만큼
먹다: to eat 돈: money 내다 : to pay 너: you (casual) 기쁘다: to be happy 나: I (casual) N도: also N
먹은 만큼 돈 내세요. (formal) -> Please pay money as much as you ate. ( please pay an amount equal to how much you ate)
너가 기쁜 만큼 나도 기뻐. (casual) -> I am also as happy as you
2) For present tense verbs, add 는 만큼
나: I (casual) 먹다: to eat 살이 찌다 : to gain weight
나는 먹는 만큼 살이 쪄. (casual)-> I gain weight as much as I eat.
3) For future tense verbs, when ending in a consonant, add을 만큼. When ending in a vowel orㄹ, add ㄹ 만큼
이 N: this N 혀: tongue 바로: right away, immediately 녹다: to melt 달콤하다: to be sweet
이 캔디는 혀끝에서 바로 녹을 만큼 달콤해.(casual) -> This candy is sweet enough to melt on my tongue right away.
다른: other 여자들: women 안 부럽다: not to be jealous 남자 친구: boyfriend 나에게: to me 잘 하다: to do (treat) well
다른 여자들 안 부러울 만큼 남자친구가 나에게 잘 해.(casual) -> My boyfriend treats me well so I won’t be jealous of other women.
4) For nouns, add 만큼
남동생: younger brother 형: older brother of a man 키가 크다: to be tall
남동생이 형 만큼 키가 커요. (formal) -> The younger brother is as tall as his older brother.
65. N(이)야 말로 " emphasis "
This is used to emphasize the noun, especially when it is the prime example among other possible choices. When ending in a consonant, add 이야말로, when ending in a vowel, add 야말로.
너: you 왜 그래: what’s wrong? 제주도: Jeju Island 한국: Korea N의 N: N’s N 대표적이다: to be representative 관광지: a tourist spot
너야말로 왜 그래? (casual)-> What’s wrong with you (compared to others)?
제주도야말로 한국의 대표적인 관광지예요. Jeju Island is the most representative tourist spot of Korea.
66. V-을(ㄹ) 래요 " want to V, would like to V"
When ending in a consonant, add 을래요. When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add ㄹ래요. Without 요 at the end, it becomes a casual talk.
내일: tomorrow 만나다: to meet up 피곤하다: to be tired 지금:now 자다: to sleep
내일 만날래요? (formal)-> Do you want to meet up tomorrow?
피곤해. 지금 잘래. ( casual)-> I am tired. I want to sleep now
67. V/A -아/어/해봤자 " Even if"
This is used to indicate that what is stated in the first clause is not that great or noteworthy
한국어: Korean language 어렵다: to be difficult 일본어: Japanese language N보다: than N
한국어가 어려워봤자 일본어보다 어렵지 않을 거예요.
Even if Korean is difficult, it wouldn't be difficult than Japanese.
68. V/A -(으)면 V/A -(을) ㄹ수록 ~ " The more (-er) ~"
When the stem ends in a consonant, add 으면 을수록. When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add 면 ㄹ수록. But it is also okay to drop the first part 'V/A -(으)면 'and still the meaning stays the same
연습하다: to practice 좋아지다: to get better
연습하면 연습할수록 좋아질 거예요.(formal) -> The more you practice, the better you get
많이 :a lot 먹다: to eat 졸리다: to be sleepy
먹을수록 졸려. (Casual) -> The more I eat , The more sleepy I am
69. V-아/어/해라 ( causal, imperative ending)
Conjugate the verb stem ( Please refer to K-Grammar basics for its rules) and add ‘라’. For negative one, add -지 마라 to the verb stem.
그거: it, (that thing) 하다: to do 가다: to go
그거 해라! : Do it ! <ㅡ> 그거 하지 마라. : Don’t do it !
가라 : Go! <ㅡ> 가지 마라 : Don’t go!
70. V-(은)ㄴ 채 ( same as V-(은)ㄴ 채로)
This is used to indicate that the action in the following clause is performed under the circumstances described in the preceding clause. When the verb stem ends in a consonant, add 은 채. When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add ㄴ 채.
내 N : my N 여자친구: girlfriend 이별: break- up 모르다: not to know 웃고 있다: to be smiling
내 여자친구는 이별을 모른 채 웃고 있었어요. (formal) -> My girlfriend was smiling without knowing our break-up
그 남자: that guy 창문: window 닫다: to close 담배 : cigarette 피다: to smoke
그 남자는 창문 닫은 채 담배를 피웠어요. (formal)-> That guy smoked a cigarette with the window closed
71. A/V-게 (same as A/V- 도록)
This is used to indicate that the action in the following clause is necessary to realize the preceding action or state in the first clause.
니 : your (casual) 얼굴: face 그리다: to draw 웃어 주다:to smile at
니 얼굴 그릴 수 있게 웃어 줘. = 니 얼굴 그릴 수 있도록 웃어 줘. (casual) -> Smile at me so I can draw your face.
잘 : well 알아듣다: to listen and understand 천천히: slow 말하다: to speak
잘 알아들을 수 있게 천천히 말해주세요.= 잘 알아들을 수 있도록 천천히 말해주세요.(formal) -> Please speak slowly so I can understand you well.
( Refer to G1& 28 for ‘can’ &’ please’ )
72. V -(은)ㄴ 적이 있어요/ 없어요. “ Have done / Haven’t done “ (About experience in the past)
This is used to express if you have a particular experience or not in the past. When the verb stem ends in a consonant, add 은 적이 있어요./ 없어요. When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add ㄴ 적이 있어요/ 없어요. Without 요 at the end, it becomes a casual talk and its infinitive form is V-(은)ㄴ 적이 있다/ 없다.
그 N: that N 영화: movie 보다: to watch 한국 음식: Korean food 먹다: to eat
그 영화를 본 적이 없어요. (formal) -> I haven’t watched that movie.
한국 음식 먹은 적이 있어. ( casual) -> I have eaten Korean food.
72-1 ) V- 아/어/해 본 적이 있어요/ 없어요. “ Have done / Haven’t done “ (About experience in the past)
This is quite the same as 72)
한국 : Korea , 가다 : to go to
한국에 가 본 적이 있어요. (formal) -> I have been to Korea?
한국사람을 만나 본 적이 없어요. (formal ) -> I have not met a Korean person.
73. 아무리 V/A-아/어/해도 “ No matter how ~
Conjugate the Verb/Adjective stem. (For conjugation rules, refer to K-Grammar Basics)
내가 : I (casual) 말하다: to speak, to tell 너: you (casual) 듣다: to listen
내가 아무리 말해도 너는 듣지 않아. No matter how much I tell you , you don’t listen.
열심히: hard , 운동하다: to exercise , 살 빠지다: to lose weight
아무리 열심히 운동해도 살 안 빠져요. (formal) -> No matter how hard I exercise, I don’t lose weight.
74. V- 아/ 어/해도 돼요 " Even if - , it is ok . / It is ok to - "
Conjugate the verb stem and add 도 돼요. Its infinitive form is V- 아/어/해도 되다. Instead of 돼요, you can add 괜찮아요 ( all right) or 좋아요( good) and the like. Without요 at the end, it becomes a casual talk.
이거: this thing 먹다 : to eat 여기:here 앉다: to sit
이거 먹어도 돼요? (formal) -> Is it ok to eat this ?
여기 앉아도 돼. (casual) -> It is ok to sit here.
75. V-는데도 / A-은(ㄴ)데도
This is a combination of -(은)ㄴ/는데 (describing the situation under discussion) and -아/어도 ( despite, though). For verbs, add the stem to 는데도. For adjectives, when ending in a consonant, add 은데도. When ending in a vowel, add ㄴ 데도.
사랑: love 주다: to give 너: you (casual) 받다: to accept
사랑을 주는데도 너는 받지 않아. (casual) -> Though I am giving you love, you don't accept it.
배부르다: to be full (of stomach) 또 :again 먹다: to eat
배부른데도 또 먹어? (casual) -> You are full, but eating again?
76. A/V -(을)ㄹ 까봐 " out of worry (fear) - "
This is used to indicate that the speaker did , or is doing the action in the following clause out of worry or fear. when the stem ends in a consonant, add 을까봐. When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add ㄹ까봐.
너: you (casual) 나를 : me (casual) 잡다: to catch 나: I 숨다: to hide
너가 나를 잡을까봐 나는 숨었어.(casual) -> I hid myself out of worry that you would catch me.
77. (누구를 / 뭘/ 어디를) V-아/어/해도 ( same as V-아/어/해나) " No matter who/what/where S V
Conjugate the verb stem. For conjugation rules, please refer to K-Grammar Basics
니: you (casual) 만나다: to meet 나: I (casual) 상관 없다: not to care 하다: to do
니가 누구를 만나도 나는 상관없어. (casual) -> No matter who you meet, I don't care.
= 니가 누구를 만나나 나는 상관없어
78. A/V-겠어요 " will, should"
Its infinitive form is ' A/V-겠다' and usually combined with formal ending '습니다'
내일: tomorrow 비 오다 : to rain
내일 비 오겠습니다. (formal) -> Tomorrow, it will rain.
79. V-(은)ㄴ 지 " since"
This is used to indicate that how much time has passed. When the verb stem ends in a consonant, add 은 지. When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, addㄴ지.
남자 친구: boyfriend ~하고 : with~ 헤어지다: to break up 년: year , 지나다: to pass
남자친구하고 헤어진 지 1년이 지났어. (casual) -> It has been 1 year since (I) broke up with my boyfriend.
한국: Korea 오다: to come 되다: to be, to become
한국에 온 지 2년이 되었어요. (formal) -> It has been 2 years since I came to Korea.
한국에 온 지 2년이 되었어요. (formal) -> It has been 2years since I came to Korea.
80. V-는 / A- (은)ㄴ 척 하다 " to pretend to V/A"
When the adjective stem in a consonant, add 은. When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add ㄴ. Without요 at the end, it becomes a casual talk.
모르다: not to know 그 N : that N 사실: truth
그 남자는 그 사실을 모르는 척 해요. -> That guy pretends not to know the truth.
바쁘다 : to be busy , 항상 : always
그 여자는 항상 바쁜 척 해요. -> That woman always pretends to be busy.
81. N밖에 " nothing but N , only N"
This is always followed by a negative form which is different from English.
나 : I (casual) 너: you (casual) 없다: not to have
나는 너밖에 없어. (casual) -> I have nothing but you.
두 명 :two people 안 : not 오다: to come
두 명밖에 안 왔어요. (formal) -> Only two people came.
82. N씩
It refers to something being divided or repeated by its quantity or size.
저는 : I ( formal) 하루: a day 3시간: 3 hours 공부하다: study
하루에 3시간씩 공부해요. (formal) -> I study for 3 hours a day.
알: tablet 드시다: to eat, to take ( honorific)
하루에 2알씩 드세요.( formal) -> Please take 2 tablets a day
83. V-고서 " V and then " (same as V- 고 나서, V- 고 나면, V-고 난 후)
Add verb stem to 고서 or 고 나서 or 고 난 후
숙제: homework 하다: to do 친구: friend N하고: with N 놀다: to play
숙제 하고 나서 친구하고 놀았어. (Casual) -> I did my homework and then played with a friend.
84. V/A (을) ㄹ걸요 , N일걸요 " Probably, I think" ( unconfirmed assumption or supposition)
This is used when the speaker is not sure about something. When V/A stem ends in a consonant , add 을걸요. When ending in a vowel, add ㄹ걸요. Without 요 at the end, it becomes casual talk.
집: home 있다: to be
Mike 집에 있을걸요. (formal) -> I think Mike is at home.
그: that 사람: person 한국: Korea
그 사람은 한국사람일걸.( casual) -> That person is probably Korean.
85. A -아/어/해 보이다 “ to look A” (based on the outward appearance)
재미있다: to be fun, to be interesting
재미있어 보여요. -> It looks like fun ( It looks interesting)
그: that , 가면: mask , 무섭다: to be scary
그 가면 무서워 보여요. -> That mask looks scary.
86. V/A -기에 “ because , as”
Add a verb / Adjective stem to 기에
우린: a short form of 우리는 ( 우리: we , 는 : comparative marker ) 젋다: to be young 후회하다: to regret
우린 젊기에 후회 안해. -> Because we are young, we don’t regret
내가 보기에 그 사람은 착하지 않아. -> As I see it, that person is not nice
87. V -아/어/해지다 (Passive Voice )
It is used when the subject' s action or behavior occurs because of an action performed by someone or something else. Without 요 at the end, it becomes casual talk.
고장나다: to break 켜다: to turn on
TV가 고장났어요. 안 켜져요.-> The TV broke. It is not turned on.
그: that 사람: person 쏟다 :to spill, N 때문에: because of N
그 사람 때문에 커피가 쏟아졌어요 -> Because of that person , my coffee was spilled.
88. V-아/어/해 보다 “ to have an experience of doing something “
Conjugate the verb and usually this ends in - 봤어요 to indicate an experience in the past.
삼겹살 : a popular Korean dish, thick, fatty slices of pork belly meat 먹다: to eat 한국: Korea 가다: to go
삼겹살을 먹어 봤어요? -> Have you eaten samgyeopsal?
한국에 가 봤어요? -> Have you been to Korea?
89. A/V - (을)ㄹ 뿐이다 / N 일 뿐이다 “ to be merely (only, solely, just) ~“
It is to express when there is only one available course of action or state of being.
이거: this 장난: a joke
이거 장난일 뿐이야. -> This is just a joke.
저는 : I 그: that 사람: person 이름: name N만: only N 알다: to know
저는 그 사람 이름만 알 뿐이에요. -> I only know that person’s name.
90. N 을/를 위해(서) , V- 기 위해(서) “ for the sake of something , in order to V
When a noun ends in a vowel, add 를 위해(서) . When ending in a consonant, add 를 위해(서) . When using a verb , just add the stem to 기 위해(서)
건강: health 매일: everyday 운동하다: to exercise
건강을 위해서 매일 운동하고 있어요. -> I am exercising everyday for my health.
건강해지다: to become healthy
건강해지기 위해 매일 운동하고 있어요. -> I am exercising everyday in order to become healthy.
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