May 31, 2018

BTS - Fake Love

You can learn Korean through BTS - Fake Love with

a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, and

quizzes. The following is made up of Korean, literal

order and English translation for Korean learners

\and you can take quizzes at the bottom.

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Please go to #70

BTS - Fake Love ( May, 2018)

위해서라면 (G109)
you for
( For you,)

슬퍼도 기쁜 척 할 수가 있었어 (G20,80,1,18)
I sad even happy pretend (I) could
( I could pretend like I was happy even when I was

위해서라면 (G109)
you for
( For you,)

아파도 강한 척 할 수가 있었어 (G20,80,1,18)
I hurt even strong pretend (I) could
( I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt.)

사랑이 사랑만으로 완벽하길 (G40-1,48)
love love only as perfect (I) wish
( I wish love was perfect as love itself.)

모든 약점들은 다 숨겨지길 (G48)
my all weaknesses all hidden (I) wish
( I wish all my weaknesses could be hidden.)

이뤄지지 않는 속에서 (G6)
come true not dream in

피울 수 없는 키웠어 (G1,18)
Bloomed can't flower (I) grew
( I grew a flower that can’t be bloomed in a dream
that can’t come true.)

I'm so sick of this fake love, fake love, fake love
I'm so sorry but it's fake love, fake love, fake love

단어) 널 : you ( a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 :
object marker) , N 위해서 : for N ,
난 : I ( a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker)
, 슬프다 : to be sad , 기쁘다 : to be happy , 아프다 : to
be sick , 강하다 : to be strong , 사랑 : love ,
N만 : only N , 완벽하다 : to be perfect,
내 : my ( casual) , 모든 N : all N , 약점: weakness ,
N들 : N ( plural) , 다 : all , 숨겨지다 : to be hidden ,
이뤄지다 : to come true , 꿈 : dream ,
N속에서 : in(side) of N , 피우다 : to bloom ,
꽃 : flower , 키우다 : to grow,

I wanna be a good man just for you

세상을 줬네 (G18,11)
world (I) gave
( I gave the world.)

just for you

전부 바꿨어 (G18)
everything (I) changed
( I changed everything.)
Just for you
Now I don't know me, who are you?

우리만의 (G7)
Our only forest
( The forest just for us)

너는 없었어 (G18)
You weren’t (there)

내가 왔던 route (G34)
I came route
( The route that I took )

잊어버렸어 (G56,18)
(I) forgot
( I forgot the route that I took)

도 내가 누구였는지도 모르게 됐어(G18, 24-3,102)
I even I who was well unsure became
( I even became quite unsure of who I was.)

거울에다 지껄여 봐 (G9)
mirror into babble try
( Try babbling into the mirror.)

는 대체 누구니? (G23)
you on earth who?
( Who the heck are you?)

단어) 세상 : world , 주다 : to give , 전부 : everything,
바꾸다 : to change , 우리 : our , N만 : only N ,
숲 : forest , 너 : you ( casual), 없다 : to not exist ,
내가 : I ( casual) , 오다 : to come , 잊다 : to forget,
나 : I , N도 : even N , 내가 : I ( casual) , 누구: who ,
잘 : well , 모르다 : to not know , 거울 : mirror,
N에다 : into / on N , 지껄이다 : to babble ,
대체 : what on earth,

위해서라면 (G109)
you for
( For you,)

슬퍼도 기쁜 척 할 수가 있었어 (G20,80,1,18)
I sad even happy pretend (I) could
( I could pretend like I was happy even when I was

위해서라면 (G109)
you for
( For you,)

아파도 강한 척 할 수가 있었어 (G20,80, 1,18)
I hurt even strong pretend (I) could
( I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt.)

사랑이 사랑만으로 완벽하길 (G40-1,48)
love love only as perfect (I) wish
( I wish love was perfect as love itself.)

모든 약점들은 다 숨겨지길 (G48)
my all weaknesses all hidden (I) wish
( I wish all my weaknesses could be hidden.)

이뤄지지 않는 속에서 (G6)
come true not dream in

피울 수 없는 키웠어 (G1,18)
Bloomed can't flower (I) grew
( I grew a flower that can’t be bloomed in a dream
that can’t come true.)

단어) 널 : you ( a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 :
object marker) , N 위해서 : for N ,
난 : I ( a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker)
, 슬프다 : to be sad , 기쁘다 : to be happy ,
아프다 : to be sick , 강하다 : to be strong , 사랑 : love,
N만 : only N , 완벽하다 : to be perfect,
내 : my ( casual) , 모든 N : all N , 약점: weakness ,
N들 : N ( plural) , 다 : all , 숨겨지다 : to be hidden ,
이뤄지다 : to come true , 꿈 : dream ,
N속에서 : in(side) of N , 피우다 : to bloom ,
꽃 : flower , 키우다 : to grow ,

Love you so bad,
Love you so bad

위해 예쁜 거짓빚어내 (G14)
you for pretty lie (I) mold
( I mold a pretty lie for you.)

Love you so mad
Love you so mad

me erase
( I erase myself.)

너의 인형이 되려 해 (G25)
your doll become try
( I try to become your doll.)

Love you so bad
Love you so bad

위해 예쁜 거짓빚어내 (G14)
you for pretty lie (I) mold
( I mold a pretty lie for you.)

Love you so mad
Love you so mad

me erase
( I erase myself.)

너의 인형이 되려 해 (G25)
your doll become try
( I try to become your doll.)

I'm so sick of this fake love, fake love, fake love
I'm so sorry but it's fake love, fake love, fake love

단어) 널 : you ( a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 :
object marker) , N 위해 : for N ,
예쁘다 : to be pretty , 거짓 : a lie , 빚어내다 : to mold ,
날 : me ( casual) , 지우다  : to erase ,
너의 : your ( casual) , 인형 : doll , 되다 : to become ,

Why you sad?
I don't know

I don't know

웃어 봐 (G9)
Smile try
( Try smiling.)

(I) love (you)

말해 봐 (G9)
Say try
( Try saying.)

me look
( Look at me.)

조차도 버린 (G14)
me even gave up on I
( Even I gave up on myself.)

조차 이해할 수 없는 (G1,6)
you even understand can't me
( Even you can’t understand me.)

낯설다 하네 (G32,11)
unfamiliar (you) say
( You say I’m unfamiliar.)

가 좋아하던 나로 변한 내가 (G34,14)
you like used to me changed I

아니라 하네 (G32-3)
not (you) say
(You say I’m not familiar,  changed into the one you
used to like.)

예전에 니가 잘 알고 있던 내가 (G52,34)
before you well knew I
( You say I’m not myself which you knew well.)

아니긴 가 아냐 (G41-1)
No? What (do you mean) no ?

눈 멀었어 (G18)
( I am blind.)  

사랑은 뭐가 사랑?
love what (is) love?
( Love? What is love?)  

It's all fake love

단어) 난 : I ( casual , a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는:
topic marker) , 모르다 : to not know ,
웃다 : to smile , 사랑하다 : to love , 말하다 : to say ,
나를 : me ( casual) , 보다 : to look ,
N조차도 : even N , 버리다 :  to give up ,
너: you ( casual) , 이해하다 : to understand,
낯설다 : to be unfamiliar, 니: you ( casual) ,
좋아하다 : to like , N(으)로 변하다 : to change into N ,
내가 : I ( casual) , 아니다 : to not be , 예전에 : before ,
잘 : well , 알다 : to know , 뭐 : what ,
눈 멀다 : to be blind , 사랑 : love ,

I don't know, I don't know, I don't know why

I even myself

I even myself

well (I) don't know
( I don’t know myself.)

(Woo) I just know, I just know, I just know why
Cuz its all fake love, fake love, fake love

Love you so bad,
Love you so bad

위해 예쁜 거짓빚어내 (G14)
you for pretty lie (I) mold
( I mold a pretty lie for you.)

Love you so mad
Love you so mad

me erase
( I erase myself.)

너의 인형이 되려 해 (G25)
your doll become try
( I try to become your doll.)

Love you so bad
Love you so bad

위해 예쁜 거짓빚어내 (G14)
you for pretty lie (I) mold
( I mold a pretty lie for you.)

Love you so mad
Love you so mad

me erase
( I erase myself.)

너의 인형이 되려 해 (G25)
your doll become try
( I try to become your doll.)

I'm so sick of this fake love, fake love, fake love
I'm so sorry but it's fake love, fake love, fake love

단어) 나 : I ( casual) ,  N도 : even N , 날 : me ( a short
form of 나를 , 나 : I , 를 : object ) , 잘 : well ,
모르겠다 : to not know ,지우다  : to erase , 너의 : your
( casual) , 인형 : doll , 되다 : to become ,
널 : you ( a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 :
object marker) , N 위해 : for N , 예쁘다 : to be pretty ,
거짓 : a lie , 빚어내다 : to mold ,

위해서라면 (G109)
you for
( For you,)

슬퍼도 기쁜 척 할 수가 있었어 (G20,80, 1,18)
I sad even happy pretend (I) could
( I could pretend like I was happy even when I was

위해서라면 (G109)
you for
( For you,)

아파도 강한 척 할 수가 있었어 (G20,80, 1,18)
I hurt even strong pretend (I) could
( I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt.)

사랑이 사랑만으로 완벽하길 (G40-1,48)
love love only as perfect (I) wish
( I wish love was perfect as love itself.)

모든 약점들은 다 숨겨지길 (G48)
my all weaknesses all hidden (I) wish
( I wish all my weaknesses could be hidden.)

이뤄지지 않는 속에서 (G6)
come true not dream in

피울 수 없는 키웠어 (G1,18)
Bloomed can't flower (I) grew
( I grew a flower that can’t be bloomed in a dream
that can’t come true.)

단어) 널 : you ( a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 :
object marker) , N 위해서 : for N ,
난 : I ( a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker )
, 슬프다 : to be sad , 기쁘다 : to be happy ,
아프다 : to be sick , 강하다 : to be strong ,
사랑 : love , N만 : only N , 완벽하다 : to be perfect,
내 : my ( casual) , 모든 N : all N , 약점: weakness ,
N들 : N ( plural) , 다 : all , 숨겨지다 : to be hidden
, 이뤄지다 : to come true , 꿈 : dream ,
N속에서 : in(side) of N , 피우다 : to bloom ,
꽃 : flower , 키우다 : to grow ,

Quiz created by Eunha Seo with GoConqr


Unknown said...

Omg thank you so much for uploading this!!!!! So helpful!!!!!!!!

pinky beauty said...

This is so helpful!!! Thank you so much! Could you please do Airplane Pt.2 next? It's my favourite and I would like to understand the lyrics.

suga said...

this site is awesome