Korean alphabet (Hangul)

You can get a quick understanding about the vowels and consonants of Hangul. These videos are fun and simple. Let's learn about the vowels first. 

And then Consonants

Also, You can  download this app called  'Hangul' (Korean Alphabet by TenguLogi)  where you can listen to the sounds and take quizzes. I strongly recommend this app ^^ 
For more information, visit here,

For Korean alphabet charts : http://www.speakoutlanguages.com/korean-chart/ 

I hope all of the resources are helpful for you to master HangulTrust me. It's not really difficult to learn how to read and write.

But if you need a personal help from me, I can offer you Korean tutoring by Skype. Please contact my facebook for more information about my hour rate and available time. .