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1. (을) ㄹ 수 있어요 / 없어요 '' can/ cannot"
When the verb stem ends in a consonant , add (을) 수 있어요/ 없어요 . When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add ㄹ 수 있어요/ 없어요 . Its infinitive form is (을) 수 있다 / 없다. Without '요' at the end, it becomes casual talk
저: I (formal) 하다 : to do (to speak language) 한국어: Korean language 나: I (causal)
저는 한국어를 할 수 있어요. / 할 수 없어요. (formal)
나는 한국어를 할 수 있어. / 할 수 없어. (causal)
->I can / can't speak Korean.
1-1 못 -V / V- 지 못하다 " can't (couldn't) V "
Place 못 before the verb or add verb stem to 지 못하다. Also, don't forget to conjugate the ending depending on the tense.
저는 한국어를 못 해요.= 저는 한국어를 하지 못해요. ( formal) -> I can't speak Korean.
저는 한국어를 못 했어요.= 저는 한국어를 하지 못했어요. (formal) -> I couldn't speak Korean.
But in case of N 하다 verbs (N+ to do), place 못 in between.
수영 하다: to swim
나는 수영 못 해. = 나는 수영하지 못 해. (casual) -> I can't swim.
2. - 지 마 (세요) " stop ~, don’t~"
Add verb stem to - 지 마(세요). Its infinitive form is -지 말다 (" to stop")
하다 : to do
하지 마! / 하지 마세요! -> Stop doing it.
(casual ) / (formal)
2-1) - (으)세요 “ formal command ending”
When the Verb stem ends in a vowel, add 세요. When ending in a consonant, add 으세요.
빨리: quickly 가다: to go
빨리 가세요.-> Please go quickly.
3. - 고 " V/A -and "
Add verb/adjective stem to 고.
저: I (formal ) 아침: breakfast , morning 먹다 : to eat 학교: school ~에: to~
가요: go (가다: to go )
저는 아침을 먹고 가요.( formal)
-> I eat breakfast and go to school.
4. - 고 싶어요 " -want to - "
Add verb stem to - 고 싶어요. Without '요' at the end, it becomes casual talk. Its infinitive form is -고 싶다 ( "to want to")
나: I (causal) 춤을 추다 : to dance 잘: well
나는 춤을 잘 추고 싶어. (casual)
-> I want to dance well
4-1) - 고 파요 " - want to - " ( poetic)
Add verb stem to - 고 파요. Without '요' at the end, it becomes casual talk. Its infinitive form is -고 프다 ( "to want to")
이거 : this , 하다 : to do ,
이거 하고 파요. : I want to do this.
5. V/A 기 " noun"
Add verb/adjective stem to 기, then it turns into noun.
제: my 취미: hobby 노래하다 : to sing
제 취미는 노래하기예요.
My hobby is singing.
6. -는 N ( present tense of modification)
Add verb stem to 는 to modify a noun
좋아하다 : to like 친구 : friend 잘 : well
춤을 추다: to dance
Kpop을 좋아하는 친구 : A friend who likes Kpop
춤을 잘 추는 친구 : A friend who dances well
7. N 의 N " N's N"
의 between noun and noun acts as 's. But we often drop ' 의 ' when we speak.
내: my (casual) 친구: friend 오빠: older brother
내 친구의 오빠 : my friend's older brother
8. - 지 않을거야 " won't -" (causal)
Add V/A stem to 지 않을거야. Also, ' - 지 않을거예요' is a formal way to say it. On the other hand, -(을) ㄹ 거예요 (formal) / -(을) ㄹ 거야 (causal) means 'will- '
그 : that 사람: person 다시: again, 아프게 하다: to hurt
그 사람을 다시 아프게 하지 않을거야. (casual)
그 사람을 다시 아프게 하지 않을거예요. (formal)
- (I) won't hurt that person again (If pronouns like 'I' are obvious in the context, we don't say it.)
8-1) - (을)ㄹ거야 " will " (causal)
When the V/A stem ends in a consonant, add 을거예요(formal) /을거야(casual) . When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add ㄹ 거예요 (formal) / ㄹ거야(casual)
친구: friend ~하고: with~ 저녁: dinner 먹다: to eat 한국 : Korea 노래: song 연습하다: to practice
친구하고 저녁을 먹을거예요. (formal) / 친구하고 저녁을 먹을거야. (casual)
-> I will eat dinner with a friend
한국노래를 연습할거예요.(formal) / 한국노래를 연습할거야. (casual)
-> I will practice a Korean song.
9. -아/어/해 봐 " try V-ing "
Conjugate the verb stem and add 봐 (casual) or 보세요 ( formal). Its infinitive form is -아/어/해 보다 ("to try to")
배우다 : to learn 배워요 : learn (conjugated present tense)
한국어를 배워 봐. (casual) / 한국어를 배워 보세요. (formal)
-> Try learning Korean.
10. -(을) ㄹ 테니(까)
This is used to express a reason in the first clause to give a suggestion or advice in the second clause. When the V/A stem ends in a consonant, add 을테니 or 을테니까. When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add ㄹ테니 or ㄹ테니까
나는 : I (casual) 피아노를 치다 : to play the piano 너는 : ( you& topic marker, casual) 노래하다: to sing a song
나는 피아노를 칠테니 너는 노래해.
->Because I will play the piano, you sing a song.
11.V/A -네(요) " mild surprise or wonder ending"
It is used to express mild surprise or wonder when u learn something through direct experience or agree with someone else. It is like 'wow' , 'certainly' , ' really' in English. Without '요' , it becomes casual talk.
노래를 하다 : to sing a song 잘 : well
노래를 잘 하네. (casual)
( You really sing a song well -> you are really good at singing a song.)
12. N 때 , V/A-(을) ㄹ 때
It expresses the time when an action or state occurs or its duration
방학: school vacation 저는 ( I& topic marker , formal) 한국: Korea ~에 : to ~ 가요: go
방학 때 저는 한국에 가요. (formal)
-> During school vacation, I go to Korea.
When the V/A stem ends in a consonant, add 을 때. When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add ㄹ때
피곤하다 : to be tired 이N : this N 약 :medicine 먹어요 : eat
저는 피곤할 때 이 약을 먹어요. (formal)
-> When I am tired, I take this medicine.
~에서 : in ~ 살다 : to live 재미있었어요. was fun
저는 한국에서 살 때 재미있었어요.( formal)
-> When I lived in Korea, it was fun.
13. V/A-아/어/해야 돼요(해요) " must , have to , should"
Conjugate the V/A stem and add 돼요 or 해요 . Please refer to K- Grammar basics #3 for conjugation rules. Its infinitive form is V/A-아/어/해야 되다 (하다)
한국어: Korean language 연습하다 : to practice 많이: a lot
한국어를 많이 연습해야 돼요.( 연습해야 해요.) (formal)
FYI, depending on the context, the subject can be ' I ' or someone else when there is no subject written in the Korean sentence.
->(I) should practice Korean a lot.
->or (You or He or...) should practice Korean a lot.
14. - (은) ㄴ N (Adjective/ Verb past tense of modification )
When A/V stem ends in a consonant, add 은 to modify a noun. When ending in a vowel, add ㄴ to modify a noun.
나쁘다 : to be bad 남자: guy 좋다 : to be good 노래: song
나쁜 남자 ( bad guy) / 좋은 노래 (good song
내가 : I 어제: yesterday 만나다 : to meet 친구: friend 읽다 : to read 책 : book
내가 어제 만난 친구 ( the friend who I met yesterday
내가 어제 읽은 책 ( the book that I read yesterday)
Let's expand this example further.
내가 어제 읽은 책 재미있었어.(casual) : The book that I read yesterday was fun.
15. - 지 못하게 하다 " not to let ( make ) somebody -" Add verb stem to 지 못하게 해요.
엄마: mom 나가다 : to go out 날: me
엄마가 (날) 나가지 못하게 해. (casual)
Mom doesn't let (me) go out.
When pronouns are obvious in the context, we don't have to say them.
15-1 - 게 하다 " to let (make) somebody -" Add verb stem to 게 해요.
사랑: love 나를 : me ( casual) 다시: again 태어나다 : to be born
사랑이 다시 나를 태어나게 해. ( casual) -> Love makes me born again.
16. V -(으) 면서 or -(으) 며 "while , at the same time"
When Verb stem ends in a consonant , add (으) 면서 or (으)며. When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add 면서 or 며. This is used always in the first clause.
가사 : lyrics 보다 : to look 한국어: Korean language 공부해요 : study
Kpop 가사를 보면서 (or 보며) 한국어를 공부해요. (formal)
-> While looking at Kpop lyrics, ( I ) study Korean.
17. V-(을) ㄹ 줄 알다 / 모르다 " to know / not to know (how) to "
When the verb stem ends in a consonant, add (을) 줄 알아요 / 몰라요. When ending in a vowel or ㄹ , add ㄹ 줄 알아요 / 몰라요.
나는: I (casual) 한국음식 : Korean food 요리하다 : to cook 알아요 : know
나는 한국음식을 요리할 줄 알아 / 몰라. (casual)
-> I know / don't know how to cook Korean food.
그 N: that N 사람: person 한글 : Korean, Korean alphabet 읽다 : to read
그 사람은 한글을 읽을 줄 알아? (casual)
-> Does that person know how to read Korean?
17-1) V-(을) ㄹ 줄 알았어요 / 몰랐어요 "I know / didn't know that S would V "
결국: in the end 니: you (casual) 떠나다: to leave 알다: to know 모르다: not to know
결국 니가 떠날 줄 알았어. (casual) -> I knew you would leave me in the end.
18. V/A- 았/었/했어요 "past tense"
When the word stem ends in the vowel ㅏ or ㅗ , add -았어요. When ending in any other vowel , add -었어요. For verbs and adjectives ending in 하다, add - 했어요. FYI, Without 요 at the end, it becomes casual talk as always.
만나다 : to meet 지난 주말에 : last weekend 친구: friend 너: you (casual) 점심: lunch 먹다 : to eat
지난 주말에 친구를 만났어요. (formal)
->( I ) met a friend last weekend.
너 점심 먹었어? (casual) -> you lunch ate? - did you eat lunch ?
-하고 결혼하다 : to get married to 남자친구 : boyfriend
남자친구하고 결혼했어. (casual) ->(I) got married to my boyfriend.
19. N (이) 나 N " N or N "
When the noun ends in a consonant, add 이나. When ending in a vowel, just add 나.
차: tea 커피 : coffee 빵: bread 밥 : cooked rice
차나 커피 (tea or coffee) / 빵이나 밥 ( bread or cooked rice )
20. V/A-아/어/해도 " though, even if"
Conjugate the V/A and add 도. Please refer to K- Grammar basics #3 for conjugation rules.
운동하다 : to exercise 살 빠지다 : to lose weight 안 ~ : not ~
운동해도 살이 안 빠져요. (formal)
->Though (I) do exercise, (I) don't lose weight.
21. V/A -지 않아요 (안 V/A - 아/어/해요 ) “not”
For present tense, add V/A stem to -지 않아요 or (안 V/A - 아/어/해요 ) . For past tense, add V/A stem to 지 않았어요 or (안 V/A -았/었/했어요) When using 안 , you should conjugate the V/A.
Without '요' at the end, it becomes a casual talk. Its infinitive form is V/A- 지 않다 (안 V/A- 다)
한국어: Korean language 쉽다: to be easy 어렵다: to be difficult 내일: tomorrow 어제: yesterday
한국어 쉽지 않아요. = 한국어 안 쉬어요.(formal) -> Korean language is not easy.
한국어 어렵지 않아. = 한국어 안 어려워. (casual) -> Korean language is not difficult.
* in case of N+ 하다 ( N+ to do) verbs like 공부하다 (to study), 노래하다( to sing), 일하다( to work), place 안 right between N and 하다.
내일 일 안 해요. .(formal) -> Tomorrow (I) don’t do working = Tomorrow (I) don’t work.
For past tense:
어제 일 안 했어요. (formal) ->Yesterday (I) didn’t do working =Yesterday (I) didn’t work
22. V/A - (으)면 / N-(이)라면 “ If ”
1) When the V/A stem ends in a consonant, add 으면 . When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add 면
심심하다 : to be bored 보다 : to watch
심심하면 한국 드라마를 봐요. (formal)
-> If bored, (I) watch Korean dramas.
2) When the noun ends in a consonant, add 이라면. When ending in a vowel, add 라면.
그 N: that N 사람: person 진짜: really 한국 사람: Korean person 한국어: Korean language 잘: well 하다 : to do, to speak a language)
Mina가 한국사람이라면 한국어를 잘 할거야.(casual) ->If that person is a Korean person, he will speak Korean language well.
23. V/A -니? ( casually interrogative ending)
For present tense, add stem to 니. For past tense , add -았/었/했 to 니. For future tense, add (을) ㄹ 거 to 니. When the stem ends in a consonant, add (을) 거. When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add ㄹ 거. ( For past tense conjugation rules, plz refer to #18)
바쁘다 : to be busy 잘: well 자다 : to sleep 뭐: what 먹다: to eat
바쁘니? ->( Are you ) busy?
잘 잤니? -> (Did you) sleep well ?
뭐 먹을거니? What ( are you) going to eat?
23-1) V/A-나(요) ? ( similar interrogative ending as a form of 니?)
바쁘나? (Casual) ->( Are you ) busy?
잘 잤나? (Casual) -> (Did you) sleep well ?
If you add 요, it sounds polite
잘 잤나요? -> (Did you) sleep well ?
24. N-(인) ㄴ 지 , V/A- 는지 /(은) ㄴ지
It is a connective ending used in the first clause and corresponds to (who/ what/ where/ when/ how/ whether + Clause in English. So the next clause usually follows with 알다 (to know) , 모르다(not to know), 궁금하다( to be curious) and the like.
1) For nouns, when the noun end in a consonant, add 인지. When ending in a vowel, add ㄴ지. For adjectives , when the stem ends in a consonant, add 은지. When ending in a vowel orㄹ , add ㄴ지 .
좋은 거: good thing 아니다: not to be You and I we walk together on this path 모르겠다: not to know, not to be sure
좋은 거인지 아닌지 모르겠어(casual)
-> I'm not sure whether it is a good thing or not.
* '거인지'mostly sounds like '건지' when we say fast.
이N: this N 빌딩: building 얼마나: how (much,long) 높다: to be high 알다: to know
이 빌딩이 얼마나 높은지 알아요? (formal)
-> Do you know how high this building is?
2) For present tense verbs , add 는지 to the stem .
여기: here 어떻게: how 가다: to go 어디에서: where 살다: to live
여기 어떻게 가는지 알아요? (formal)-> Do you know how to go (get) here?
Sunmi 가 어디에서 *사는지 알아?(casual) -> Do you know where Sunmi lives?
( * when ㄹ clashes with ㄴ, ㄹ disappears to make our pronunciation easy)
3) For past tense adjectives and verbs , add 았/었/했는지.
파티: party ~에: to~ 누가: who 오다: to come 기억나다: to remember
파티에 누가 왔는지 기억나.(casual)
-> I remember who came to the party.
4) For future tense verbs, when the stem ends in a consonant, add 을 지. When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add ㄹ 지.
내년에: next year 한국: Korea ~에서: in ~ 공부하다: to study 아직 : yet 모르다: not to know 저녁 : dinner 어디: where 먹다: to eat
내년에 한국에서 공부할지 아직 몰라.(casual)
->I don't know yet if I’m going to study in Korea next year.
저녁을 어디에서 먹을지 아직 몰라. (casual)
-> I don't know yet where to eat dinner
25. V-(으)려고 해요 " plan to, intend to, try to"
When the stem ends in a consonant, add 으려고해요. When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add 려고해요. The infinitive form is (으)려고 하다. ("to plan to, to intend to") Without 요 at the end, it becomes casual talk.
방학: school vacation N때: during (on) N 한국: Korea ~에: to ~ 여행가다: to go on a trip 사진: photo 찍다 : to take (a photo) 많이: a lot (adverb)
방학때 한국에 여행가려고 해.(casual)
-> During school vacation, I plan to go on a trip to Korea.
사진을 많이 찍으려고 해요. (formal)
-> I plan to take a lot of pictures.
26. V -지 말라고 하다 " to tell somebody not to V
This is a negative form of indirectly imperative quotation. Add verb stem to 지 말라고 했어요.
선생님: teacher 늦게 : late 오다 : to come
선생님이 늦게 오지 말라고 했어요. (formal)
-> The teacher told me not to come late.
26-1) Its positive form is V - (으) 라고 하다 " to tell somebody to V"
When the verb stem ends in a consonant, add 으라고 했어요 . When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add 라고 했어요.
친구: friend 빨리: quickly 오다: to come
엄마: mom 이거 : this thing 먹다 : to eat
친구가 빨리 오라고 했어. (casual)
-> (My) friend told me to come quickly.
엄마가 이거 먹으라고 했어 (casual)
-> (My) mom told me to eat this.
27. V/A-(으)면 좋겠어요 / N-(이)면 좋겠어요 " I hope ~ "
When the V/A stem ends in a consonant, add 으면 좋겠어요.When ending in a vowel or ㄹ, add 면 좋겠어요. Its infinitive form is -(으) 면 좋겠다.
내일: tomorrow 비 오다 : to rain ( 비- rain, 오다: to come) (N) 안~: not ~
내일 비 안오면 좋겠어요. (formal)
-> I hope it is not raining tomorrow.
For nouns, when the noun ends in a consonant, add 이면 좋겠어요. When ending in a vowel, add 면 좋겠어요.
거짓말: a lie N (이)다: to be N
거짓말이면 좋겠어. (casual)
-> I hope that was a lie.
27-1) Past tense V/A 으면 해요 / N 이었으면 (였으면) 해요 “ I hope ~ “
내일 비 안 왔으면 해요.
-> I hope it is not raining tomorrow
For nouns, when the noun ends in a consonant, add 이었으면 해요. When ending in a vowel, add 였으면 해요.
거짓말이었으면 해요.
-> I hope that was a lie
28. V- 아/어/해 주세요 " please ~ for me"
Conjugate the verb stem and add 주세요 ( formal), 줘요(polite) or 줘(casual). Its infinitive form is V- 아/어/해 주다. Plesse refer to 'K - grammar basics' for conjugation rules.
태우다 : to give a ride 돕다 : to help 전화: phone 번호: number 알려주다 : to inform
태워 줘 (casual) -> Give me a ride.
태워 줘요.( polite) -> Give me a ride, please.
도와 주세요 ( formal) -> Help me, please
전화번호 알려 줘 ( casual) -> Let me know (your) phone number.
29.V/A - 아서/어서/해서 / N - (이)라서 " and " / “ so, because” ,
Conjugate the verb/ adjective stem and add 서. For nouns , when it ends in a consonant, add 이라서 . When ending in a vowel , add 라서. This is a connective ending and has two meanings depending on the context.
1) Sequence ("and") : The first event is placed in the first clause and the second one in the second clause. Two events are closely related.
저기: (over) there 앉다 : to sit 얘기하다 : to talk ~ 자 : let's (casual) 다음 주에: next week 만나다: to meet 놀다 : to play, to hang (out) with
저기 앉아서 얘기하자. (casual) ->Let's sit and talk over there.
다음주에 만나서 놀자.(casual) -> Let's meet and play next week.
2) reason & result : the reason is placed in the first clause and the result in the second clause.
늦다: to be late 죄송합니다: I'm sorry, I apologize (formal) 좋아하다: to like 한국: Korea ~ 에 관심이 있다 : to be interested in~ 많이: a lot
늦어서 죄송합니다.( formal) -> I'm sorry for being late
Kpop을 좋아해서 한국에 관심이 많이 있어. (casual) -> (I) like Kpop, so (I'm) much interested in Korea. = Because (I) like Kpop, (I’m) much interested in Korea.
한국 사람 : Korean person , 한국말 : Korean language , 잘 : well
미나는 한국 사람이라서 한국말을 잘 해요. -> Mina is a Korean person, so she is good at Korean language.
30. V/A -지만 " but, however"
Add stem to 지만. This is a connective ending.
한국어: Korean language 어렵다: to be difficult 배우다: to learn ~ 고 싶다 : to want to
한국어는 어렵지만 배우고 싶어.(casual)
-> Korean is difficult but I want to learn.
Thank you !!! Your blog is very useful and and it has helped me a lot :) Your Korean teaching is easy to understand, too. Keep doing good job ^.^
저는 아침을 먹고 가요.( formal)
-> I eat breakfast and go to school.
Is that right? Did you not forget to put in ''hackyoe'' in between 'mokgo' and 'gayo'?
Thanks for all your hard work!
By the way, do you have something on memrise? It's a site that helps memorise stuff. Sort of like flashcards, I guess. If you don't, maybe I could help you set a course up to help others (and me!) remember all these rules.
What do you think?
Thank you for your support^^
Thank you for lettingme know. I think I forgot to write it. I have just fixed it.
Thank you so so much for this!!!
I think that's a good idea. I will visit that website and if I need your help, I will let you know. Thank you
I'm glad you like this.
Thank you. Because of your blog i am able to understand kpop song. ^^
What is 'FYI'? It's in the 13. paragraf.
Thank you for your visit.
For your information= FYI
Thanks a lot❤️ for making my korean learning so enjoyable 🤓
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