Apr 1, 2018

Wanna One - Boomerang

You can learn Korean through Wanna One - Boomerang with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary

cards, and quizzes. The following is made up of Korean, literal order and English translation for

Korean learners and you can take quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the number in Grammar

pages.  If this is your first visit, please check the page 'K-Grammar basics'   I hope you enjoy learning

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Please go to #68

Wanna One - Boomerang  (Mar, 2018)

Wing wing wing wing


돌아버려 (G56)
(I) am going crazy

Boom boom boom boom

마음 향해
your heart toward
( Toward your heart,)

하고 던졌는데 (G3,18,38-1)
shot (I) threw but
( I threw a shot but,)

Oh my god

화살은 내게
arrow to me

퓨 하고 다시 날라 와 (G3)
pyoo and again fly back
( But the arrow fly back to me like Pyoo.)

괴롭히네 (G11)
me torture
( It tortures me.)

No no no no

정체가 대체 뭔데? (G38-3)
real identity what on earth what?
( What on earth is your real identity?)


나를 미치게 해 (G15-1)
me crazy make
( You make me crazy.)

도 나름 괜찮은데 (G38-2)
I also pretty decent.
( I’m pretty decent too.)


어떻게 너는 나를 작아지게 하는 건지 (G112,15-1,50,24-1)
how you me become small make
( How come you make me feel so small?)

I don’t know know


얼굴, 행동
Your face , action

하나 하나
one one everything
( Every single thing)

Love it
No no no no no
No no no no no

me look
( Look at me.)

me only look
( Look at me only.)

my side to only

붙어 있어 줘 (G28)
definitely stick, please
( Please , only stick close to me, definitely.)   


그대여 !
You !

가지 마세요. (G2)
go don't , please
( Please don't go.)

Wing wing wing wing


돌아버려 (G56)
(I) am going crazy.

내가 도는 건지 날린 건지 (G50,24-1,50-1)
I spinning or throwing whether
( Am I the one who’s spinning or the one who’s throwing?)


돌아버려 (G56)
(I) am going crazy.

Boom boom boom boom

단어) 돌다 : to go crazy , to spin, 니 : you, your (casual), 마음 : heart , N향해 : toward N , 슛 하다 : to throw a shot ,  던지다 : to throw, 화살 : arrow , 내게 : to me ( casual) , 퓨 : a flying sound,
다시 : again, 날라 오다 : to fly back , 날 : me ( casual) , 괴롭히다 : to torture, 정체 : real identity,
대체 : what on earth, 뭐 : what , 나를 : me( casual) , 미치다 : to be crazy , 나: I , me ( casual) ,
나름 Adj / Adv : pretty , 괜찮다 : to be decent, 어떻게 : how , 너: you ( casual) , 작다 : to be small ,
얼굴 : face , 행동 : action, 하나 : one , 다 : everything, 보다 : to look , N만 : only , just N , 내 옆 : my
side , 꼭 : definitely, 붙어있다 : to stick , 그대: you ( poetic) , 가다 : to go , 내가 : I ( casual) ,
날리다 : to throw,

에게 나 달려가
you to I run
( I’m running to you.)

Oh baby

품에 (G28)
my arms in come please
( Please come into my arms.)

솔직하게 말할게 (G57)
honestly (I) tell will
( I will tell you honestly.)

같은 남잔 없어 (G14)
me like guy doesn't exist
( There’s no other guy like me.)

Never let you go

만 보는 바보 (G6)
you only looking a fool
( I’m a fool who only looks at you.)

(Oh what)

주위에서 놀려대
vicinity in tease
( People around me tease me.)

상관이 없어
(I) care don't
( I don't care.)

뭐라 하던 (G100)
all what say
( Whatever they say,)

만 내게 있으면 (G22)
you just me to stay ok
( I am ok if you just stay with me.)  

All I wanna do


얼굴, 행동
Your face , action

하나 하나
one one everything
( Every single thing)

Love it
No no no no no
No no no no no

me look
( Look at me.)

me only look
( Look at me only.)

my side to only

붙어 있어 줘 (G28)
definitely stick, please
( Please , only stick close to me, definitely.)   


그대여 !
You !

가지 마세요. (G2)
go don't , please
( Please don't go.)

Wing wing wing wing

단어) 너에게 : to you ( casual) , 나: I, me ( casual) , 달려가다 : to run , 내 품 : my arms ( casual) ,
오다 : to come , 솔직하게 : honestly, 말하다 : to tell, N같다 : to be like N, 남자 : man, guy ,
없다 : to not exist , 너: you ( casual) , N만 : only N , 보다 : to look, 바보 : a fool, 주위 : vicinity,
놀려대다 : to tease , 상관이 없다 : to not care , 다 : all , 뭐라 하다 : to say whatever, 내게 : to me
( casual) , 있다 : to exist , to stay , 되다 : to be ok , 니: you , your ( casual), 얼굴 : face , 행동 : action,
하나 : one , 다 : everything, 보다 : to look , N만 : only , just N , 내 옆 : my side , 꼭 : definitely,
붙어있다 : to stick , 그대: you ( poetic) , 가다 : to go ,


날려버려 (G56)
Threw (it)

네게 빠진 건지 홀린 건지 (G50-1,24-1)
for you (I) am falling or bewitched whether
( Am I falling for you or bewitched by you?)


날려버려 (G56)
Threw (it)

Boom boom boom boom


알까? (G47)
you me know?
( Do you know me?)

Don’t you know?

얼마나 내가 원하는지 (G24-2)
How much I want (you)?

I promise you

I you only
( I only have you.)

(I) promise

Wherever (it is)

Take you there

누가 뭐라든 (G100)
Those who whatever say
( Whatever anyone says,)

I don’t care

your hand on ring

끼워 줄 수 있게 (G28,1,71)
(I) put on can so
( So I can put a ring on your finger)

Wing wing wing wing
(Uh oh)


돌아버려 (G56)
(I) am going crazy.

내가 도는 건지 날린 건지 (G50,24-1,50-1)
I spinning or throwing whether
( Am I the one who’s spinning or the one who’s throwing?)


돌아버려 (G56)
(I) am going crazy.

Boom boom boom boom

단어) 날리다 : to throw , 네게 : to you , for you ( written) , 빠지다 : to fall for , 홀리다 : to be bewitched, 넌 : you ( casual, a short form of 너는 , 너 : you , 는 : topic marker) , 날 : me ( casual) ,
알다 : to know , 얼마나 : how much, 내가 : I ( casual) , 원하다 : to want , 난 : I ( casual , a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker) , N뿐 : only N , 약속하다 : to promise , 어디든 : wherever , 그 : that , those, 누가 : who , 뭐라 하다 : to say whatever, 니 : you, your ( casual) , 손 : hand, 반지 : ring , 끼우다 : to put something on, 돌다 : to go crazy, to spin,  내가 : I ( casual) , 날리다 : to throw

Quiz created by Eunha Seo with GoConqr

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