Jun 2, 2015

Shinee- View

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Shinee- View (released in May, 2015)


모두 / 할 을 / 잃지 like you (G43,45)  
Everyone / to say words lost,  like you
( Everyone is lost for words like you.)

4차원 이상의 / 기적의 View (G7)
fourth dimension beyond / miracle's view
( Beyond fourth dimensional, a miraculous view)

달콤히 찍어 문 의 퐁듀 (G14)
sweetly dipped and ate light's fondue
( The fondue of light that you dipped it in and ate sweetly)

보이기 시작한 의 색도 (G5,14,7)
being seen start sound's color
( The color of the sound that started to be seen )

예민해진 걸 /  느껴 (G50-1)
Became sentitive / ( I ) feel
( I feel that you’ve become sensitive.)

뚜렷한 색감과 여섯 번째 감각 (G14,53)
( A clear color and the  sixth sense )

Tonight is the night

거칠어도 / 좋아 (G20)
a bit rought even if / alright  
( It’s alright even if it’s a bit rough.)

민감히 굴어 봐(G9)
more sensitively act
( Act more sensitive.)

는 숨기지 말아 줘 (G2,28)
more hide don't please
( Don’t hide it anymore, please.)

단어) 모두: everyone  말 하다: to say ( 말: words, 하다: to do)  잃다: to lose  차원: dimension  이상: beyond, over  기적: miracle  달콤히: sweetly  찍다: to dip in  빛: light   보이다: to be seen  시작하다: to start    음: sound  색도: color  예민해지다: to become sensitive  느끼다: to feel   뚜렷하다: to be clear  색감: color   여섯 번째: the sixth  감각: sense  좀: a bit  거칠다: to be rouch   좋다: to be alright, to be good  더: more  민감히: sensitively  굴다: to act   숨기다: to hide


너무 아름다운  다운 다운 다운 View (G14)
So  beautiful  -ful    -ful     -ful   view

너무 아름다운 다운 다운 다운 View (G14)
So  beautiful  -ful    -ful     -ful   view

보여 줘 (G28)
more show me, please
( Show me more, plz)

다음 다음 다음 다음 View
next  next  next next view

너무 아름다운 다운 다운 다운 View (G14)
So  beautiful  -ful    -ful     -ful   view  

너무 아름다운 다운 다운 (G14)
So  beautiful   -ful    -ful

that place to
(to that place)

너무 아름다운 다운 다운 (G14)
So  beautiful  -ful    -ful

데려가 줘 (G28)
Take me there plz

보여 줘 (G28)
more show me, please
( Show me more, plz)

다음 다음 다음
next next next

보여 줘 (G28)
more show me, please
( Show me more, plz)

너무 아름다운 다운 다운 다운 View (G14)
So  beautiful  -ful    -ful     -ful   view

단어)  너무: so   아름답다: to be beautiful   다음:  next   그: that  곳: place    
~(으)로 데려가다: to take somebody to ~   더: more   보여주다: to show  


하늘곱게 접는 (G6)
that sky  gently folding

바다를 / 에 담는 시간(G6)
this ocean / bottle in pouing time even
( Even when I fold the sky gently and pour the ocean in the bottle,)

편히 걷는 꿈들을 이뤄 (G6)
Peacefully walking dreams realize I
( I realize my dreams to walk peacefully.)

By my side

상상한 게 뭐든 / 전부 보여 줄게 (G50-1,57)
Imagined thing whatever / all show (I )will
( Whatever you imagined, I’ll show you all.)

이제 말해 봐 yeah yeah (G9)
now tell try
( Now try to tell me.)

예민해진 걸 /  느껴 (G50-1)
Became sentitive / ( I ) feel
( I feel that you’ve become sensitive.)

은근한 촉감과 끝없어진 감각 (G14)
The soft touch and endless senses

Tonight is the night

이상하대도 / 좋아 (G20)
weird even if / alright
( It’s alright even if it’s weird.)

잠들었던 감각한계를 넘어선 그 순간 (G34,7,14)
slept senses'  limit passed that moment
( The moment you passed the limit of your senses that were put to sleep)

단어)  저: that  하늘: sky  곱게: gently   접다: to fold   이: this   바다: ocean  병: bottle  담다: to pour  시간: time  편히: peacefully  걷다: to walk  꿈들: dreams  이루다: to realize  상상하다: to imagine  게: thing   뭐든: whatever  전부: all   보여주다: to show  이제: now  말하다: to tell  예민하다: to be sensitive  느끼다: to feel   은근하다: to be soft  촉감: touch   끝없어지다: to become endless  감각: senses  이상하다: to be strange  좋다: to be alright, to be good  잠들다: to fall sleep   감각: senses  한계: limit  넘어서다: to pass  그: that   순간: moment  


너무 아름다운  다운 다운 다운 View (G14)
So  beautiful  -ful    -ful     -ful   view

너무 아름다운 다운 다운 다운 View (G14)
So  beautiful  -ful    -ful     -ful   view

보여 줘 (G28)
more show me, please
( Show me more, plz)

다음 다음 다음 다음 View
next  next  next next view

너무 아름다운 다운 다운 다운 View (G14)
So  beautiful  -ful    -ful     -ful   view  

너무 아름다운 다운 다운 (G14)
So  beautiful   -ful    -ful

that place to
(to that place)

너무 아름다운 다운 다운 (G14)
So  beautiful  -ful    -ful

데려가 줘 (G28)
( Take me there plz.)

보여 줘 (G28)
more show me, please
( Show me more, plz)

다음 다음 다음
next next next

보여 줘 (G28)
more show me, please
( Show me more, plz)

너무 아름다운 다운 다운 다운 View (G14)
So  beautiful  -ful    -ful     -ful   view

단어)  너무: so   아름답다: to be beautiful   다음:  next   그: that  곳: place    
~(으)로 데려가다: to take somebody to ~   더: more   보여주다: to show  

지루함에 익숙해져   
Boredom (you) got used to
( You got used to being bored.)

특별함을 잊었잖아 (G61)
specialness forgot, as you know
( As U know, you forgot about the specialness.)

이제 천천히 고개를 들어 줘(G28)
Now slowly head lift , please
( Now slowly lift your head , please.)

입 맞춰
my both eyes on  kiss
( Kiss me on my eyes.)

단어)  지루함: boredom    ~에 익숙해지다: to get used to~   특별함: specialness  잊다: to forget   이제: now  천천히: slowly  고개: head  들다: to lift  내: my  두: both  눈: eyes  입 맞추다: to kiss  
너무 아름다운 다운 다운 (G14)
So  beautiful   -ful    -ful

that place to
( to that place)

너무 아름다운 다운 다운 (G14)  
So  beautiful   -ful    -ful

that place to
( to that place)

데려가 줘 (G28)
( Take me there plz.)

누구든  처음이겠지 like you (G45)
Anyone first time it'll be , like you
( It’ll be the first time for anyone like you.)

I feel a thousand senses

별빛과 맛을 본 것도 (G7,50-1)
starlight's  smell and tasting even
( Even smelling and tasting the star light)

I’ll never leave you lonely  

향기무게를 느낀 것도 (G7,50-1)
scent' s weight feeling even
( Even feeling the weight of the scent )

I won’t let you down

소리모양 본 것도 (G7,53,50-1)
sound's color and shape seeing even
( Even seeing the color and shape of sounds)

단어)  너무: so   아름답다: to be beautiful   다음:  next   그: that  곳: place    

~(으)로 데려가다: to take somebody to ~   누구든: anyone   처음: first time   별빛: starlight  향: smell   맛보다: to taste  향기: scent  무게: weight  느끼다: to feel   소리: sound  색: color  모양: shape  보다: to see

Quiz created by Eunha Seo with GoConqr

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