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EXO - Overdose (중독)
Come in
모든 걸 걸고 / 널 들이킨 나(G3,14)
Everything (I) bet with and/ you drew in I
( I bet with everything and I drew you in. )
이제 돌이킬 수도 없다 (G1,58)
Now turn it back either can't
( Now I can’t turn it back, either.)
이건 분명 위험한 중독 (G14)
this clearly dangerous addiction
(This is clearly a dangerous addiction.)
So bad no one can stop her
Her love Her love
오직 그것만 / 바라
only that thing / (I) want
( I want that only.)
그녀의 사랑 하나 뿐인걸 (G62)
her love one only is
( Her love is just one and only.)
치명적인 fantasy (G14)
( Fatal fantasy)
황홀함 그 안에 취해
charm that inside (I'm) drunk
( I'm drunk inside that charm.)
oh she wants me oh she’s got me oh she hurts me
좋아, 더욱 갈망하고 있어 (G52)
Good, more and more (I) am desiring
( Good, I am desiring more and more.)
Words) 모든 것 : everything (걸 is a short form of 것을, 것: thing 을: object marker) 걸다: to bet 널: you (casual, a short form of 너를, 너: you, 를 : object marker) 들이키다: to draw in 나: I (casual) 돌이키다: to turn back 이건: this (thing) , a short form of 이것은 ( 이것: this thing, 은: topic marker) 분명: clearly 위험하다: to be dangerous 중독: addiction 오직: only 그것: that thing N만: only N 바라다: to want, to hope 그녀의: her 사랑: love 하나: one N 뿐: only N 치명적이다: to be fatal 황홀함:charm ( noun) 그 ~ : that ~ 안에: inside 취하다: to be drunk 좋다: to be good 더욱: more and more 갈망하다: to desire
Someone call the doctor
날 붙잡고 말해 줘 (G3,28)
me hold and tell me, please
( Hold me and tell me, please.)
사랑은 병, 중독, overdose
Love sickness , addiction, overdose
( Love is a sickness, addiction, and overdose.)
시간이 지날수록 / 통제는 힘들어져 (G68)
time goes by the more / control hard become
( It becomes harder to control as time goes by.)
점점 / 깊숙이 빠져간다 Eh~ oh
more and more / deeply fall Eh~oh
( I’m falling deeper.)
Oh too much
너야. (G41)
you it is ( It’s you.)
your love
이건 overdose
this overdose ( This is overdose.)
Oh too much
너야. (G41)
you it is ( It’s you.)
your love
이건 overdose
this overdose ( This is overdose.)
Words) 날: me ( casual, a short form of 나를, 나: I, 를: object marker) 붙잡다: to hold 말하다: to tell 사랑: love 병: sickness, disease 중독: addiction 시간: time 지나다: to go (pass) by 통제: control 힘들어지다: to become hard 점점: more and more 깊숙이: deeply 빠져간다: to be falling 너: you (casual) 이건: this (thing) ,a short form of 이것은 ( 이것: this thing, 은: topic marker)
Verse 2)
놀리는 그 손길로 온 너 (G6,40,14)
teasing that hand with came you
( You who came in a teasing way)
본능은 너를 갈구해 좀 더
Instinct you desire a little more
( My instinct desires you a little more.)
가빠진 숨으로 / 질식 된 후에 (G14, 40)
out of breath / get choked after
( After I run out of breath and get choked ,)
전율 그리고 한숨
shiver and a sigh
( A shiver and a sigh)
Her love Her love
독한 약 같아 (G14)
strong medicine it’s like
( It is like a strong medicine.)
내겐 / 헤어 나올 수 없는 destiny (G44, 1,6)
me to / escape can't destiny
( For me, It is a destiny I can't escape.)
피는 뜨거워졌지 yeah ~ (G18,45)
blood has become hot, right yeah~
( Right, my blood has become hot, yeah~)
마침내 모두 지배해 (G45)
finally all (she) control
( Finally, she controls all of me.)
Oh~ she wants me
Oh~ she’s got me
Oh~ she hurts me
계속 너만/ 그리고 그린 나 (G3,14)
continuously you only / missed and missed I
( I who kept missing you only)
Words) 놀리다: to tease 그N: that N 손길: hand 오다: to come 너: you 본능: instinct 갈구하다: to long for 좀: a little 더:more 숨 가빠지다: to get out of breath ( 숨: breath) 질식 되다: to get choked N 후에: after N 전율: shiver 그리고: and 한숨: a sigh 독하다: to be strong ( of medicine) 약: medicine ~ 같다: to be like ~ 내겐: to me ( casual, a short form of 내게는, 내게: to me, 는 : comparative marker) 헤어 나오다: to escape 피: blood 뜨거워지다: to become hot 마침내: finally 모두: all, everything 지배하다: to control 계속: continuously 너: you (casual) N만: only N 그리다: to miss 나: I (casual)
Someone call the doctor
날 붙잡고 말해 줘 (G3,28)
me hold and tell me, please
( Hold me and tell me, please.)
사랑은 병, 중독, overdose
Love sickness , addiction, overdose
( Love is a sickness, addiction, and overdose)
시간이 지날수록 / 통제는 힘들어져 (G68)
time goes by the more / control hard become
( It becomes harder to control as time goes by.)
점점 / 깊숙이 빠져간다 Eh~ oh
more and more / deeply fall Eh~oh
( I’m falling deeper.)
Oh too much
너야. (G41)
you it is ( It’s you.)
your love
이건 overdose
this overdose ( This is overdose.)
Oh too much
너야. (G41)
you it is ( It’s you.)
your love
이건 overdose
this overdose ( This is overdose.)
Words) 날: me ( casual, a short form of 나를, 나: I, 를: object marker) 붙잡다: to hold 말하다: to tell 사랑: love 병: sickness, disease 중독: addiction 시간: time 지나다: to go (pass) by 통제: control 힘들어지다: to become hard 점점: more and more 깊숙이: deeply 빠져간다: to be falling 너: you (casual) 이건: this (thing) ,a short form of 이것은 ( 이것: this thing, 은: topic marker)
모두다 / 내게 / 물어 와 (G44)
Everyone / me to/ come to ask
( Everyone comes to askme.)
내가 변한 것 같대 (G42-1, 32-2)
I changed they say
( They say I changed.)
심장에 / 니가/ 박혀버린 듯 (G56,63-2)
heart in / you / nailed it is like
( It’s like you’re nailed into my heart.)
세상이 / 온통 너인데 (G38-2)
World / entirely you and
( My world is all filled with you and, )
멈출 수 없어 / 이미 가득한 널 (G1,14)
stop can’t / already full of you
( I can’t stop, I’m already full of you.)
지금 이 순간, you’re in my heart
Now this moment, you’re in my heart
Words) 모두다: everyone 내게: to me (casual) 물어오다: to come to ask 내가: I ( casual) 변하다: to change 심장: heart 니: you (casual) 박혀버리다: to be nailed 세상: world 온통: entirely 너: you (casual) 멈추다: to stop 이미: already 가득하다: to be full 널 : you ( casual, a short form of 너를, 너:you, 를:object marker) 지금: now 이N: this N 순간: moment
난 / 너를 맛보고/ 또/ 너를 마신다 (G3)
I / you taste and / again / you drink
( I taste you and again drink you.)
온 몸이 떨려 와
entire body comes to tremble
( My entire body comes to tremble.)
계속 들이켜도 / 아직 모자라 (G20)
continuously drink in though / yet not enough
( Though I keep drinking you in , it’s not enough yet.)
손끝까지 / 전율시킨 갈증 (G14)
fingertip to / made(me) shiver thirst
(This thirst that made me shiver to my fingertips )
이 순간을 잡아 / 질주를 멈추지 마 (G2)
this moment hold / speeding stop don’t
( Hold onto this moment. Don’t stop speeding.)
너무 좋아 ( So good )
Can’t stop her
Hey doctor~
지금 이대로 괜찮나? 나 (G23-1)
now like this okay? I
(Am I okay now like this?)
주체할 수 없는 이 끌림속에 (G1,6,44)
uncontrollable this attraction into
녹아 내려가 난
melt down I
( I am melting down into this uncontrollable attraction.)
이 느낌 없이는 / 죽은 거나 마찬가진걸 (G50-1, 62)
this feeling without / being dead as same
( Without this feeling, it’s same as I am dead.)
내가 사는 이유 너라는 달콤함에 중독 (G6, 44)
I living reason you called sweetness to addiction
( Addiction to the sweetness called you who is the reason why I live )
Someone call the doctor
Words) 난: I (casual, a short form of 나는, 나: I, 는: topic marker) 너: you (casual) 맛보다: to taste 또: again 마신다: to drink 온 몸: enitre body 떨려오다: to come to tremble 계속: continuously 들이키다 : to drink in 아직: yet 모자르다: to be not enough 손끝: fingertip N까지: by, until, to N 전율시키다: to make someone shiver 갈증: thirst 이N: this N 순간: moment 잡다: to hold 질주: speeding 멈추다: to stop 너무: so 좋다: to be good 지금: now 이대로: like this 괜찮다: to be okay 주체할 수 없다: to be uncontrollable 끌림: attraction N속에: into ( inside)N 녹아내려가다: to melt down 느낌: feeling 죽다: to be dead, to die 마찬가지다: to be the same 살다: to live 이유: reason ~라는: called~ 달콤함: sweetness 중독: addiction
Someone call the doctor
난 그녀가 필요해 (Hey!)
I her need ( I need her.)
하루도 난 버틸 수 없어 ( 버티지 못해! Ey!) (G1, 1-1)
Single day even stand can’t ( stand can’t ! Ey!)
( I can’t stand it for even a single day.) (Can't stand! Ey! )
벗어나고 싶지 않은 천국 같은 너 (G4,21,14)
escape not want to heaven like you
( You’re like heaven that I don’t want to leave.)
긴 긴 이 덫은 아름다워 (G14)
long long this trap beautiful
(This long long trap is beautiful.)
( CHORUS x2)
Oh too much
너야. (G41)
you it is ( It’s you.)
your love
이건 overdose
this overdose ( This is overdose.)
Words) 난: I (casual, a short form of 나는, 나: I , 는: topic marker) 그녀: her 필요하다: to need 하루: a single day N도: even N 버티다: to stand 벗어나다: to leave, to escape 천국: heaven ~같다: to be like 너: you 길다: to be long 이N: this N 덫: trap 아름답다: to be beautiful 이건: this ( a short form of 이것은 , 이것: this , 은 : topic marker)
This is great.i love this website you put in so much effort a thank you and compliment isnt enough.ive been looking for something like this and now im so happy ive found this site.keep up the hard work! :)
Yesterday I found this website and you can't even imagine how happy I am. Thanks a lot for your amazing work. I hope you will keep uploading the site. Maybe someday you will do some songs requests? However, this is awesome ^___^
Thank you for all of your support. I will keep it up. I am so glad you like my work.
Thank you very much!
Could you please do Exo's - Hey Mamma?
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