Sep 3, 2017

WINNER - Love Me Love Me

You can learn Korean through WINNER - Love Me Love Me with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, and quizzes. The following is made up of Korean, literal order and English translation for Korean learners and you can take quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the number in Grammar pages.  If this is your first visit, please check the page 'K-Grammar basics'   I hope you enjoy learning Korean and my blog will be much helpful. ^_^  Please visit my Facebook page and ' like' it to get the latest updates in your news feed. If you are seriously interested in learning Korean by Skype , please contact my personal facebook and drop me a message for more information .

Please go to #54

WINNER - Love Me Love Me (Aug, 2017)

Want you to love me love me
When you look at me

미소를 내가 갖고 싶어 (G4)
that smile I all have want to
( I want to have all of those smiles.)

I know you want me

아마 내가 너를 좋아하나 봐 (G55)
maybe I you more like (I) think
( I think that I like you maybe more.)

이 부셔
(my) eyes (are) dazzled
( You’re dazzling.)

까만 에 별 (G14)
you black night a star
( You are a star in the dark night.)

다른 보여 (G14,21)
other things not seen
( I can’t see anything else.)

I (am) your thing
( I am yours.)

너도 내 과 같다고 (G53,32-2)
you also my heart same

just tell me tell me now
( Just tell me you also feel the same)

에 롤리 팝
my ears in lollipop
( Lollipop in my ears )

아름다운 목소리(G14,40)
beautiful voice with
( With your beautiful voice)

단어) 그: that , those , 미소 : smile , 내가 : I ( casual) , 다 : all , 갖다 : to have , 아마 : maybe , 너: you ( casual), 더 : more , 좋아하다 : to like , 눈 : eye(s), 부시다 : to be dazzling, 넌 : you ( casual, a short form of 너는 , 너 : you , 는 : topic marker), 까맣다 : to be black , 밤 : night , 별 : star, 다르다 : to be other, 거 : thing(s), 보이다 : to be seen, 난 : I ( casual, a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker), 너의: your (casual) , 너의 것 : yours ( casual),  내 : my ( casual) , 맘 : heart, 같다 : to be the same, 귀 : ear(s), 아름답다 : to be beautiful, 목소리 : voice ,


I forever

너와 함께 춤추고 싶어 (G53,4)
you with together dance wanna
( I wanna dance with you together, forever)

I want you to love me

너와 함께 숨 쉬고 싶어 (G53,4)
you with together breathe wanna
( I wanna breathe with you, together)

I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you

너와 나의 zone (G53)
Your and my zone

넘볼 수 없어 (G1)
( they) desire can't
( No one can desire it.)   

I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you
You’re the only one
Love me love me more

단어) 난 : I ( casual, a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker), 영원히 : forever, 너: you ( casual), 함께 : together, 춤추다 : to dance, 숨 쉬다 : to breathe, 나의 : my ( casual), 넘보다 : to desire something that is not yours

남자들을 홀리는 강력한 페로몬 (G6,14)
men bewitching strong pheromone
( Your strong pheromones that bewitch all men

Somebody help me

you because of
( Because of you )

모든 남친들은 다시 외로워
all boyfriends again lonely
( All boyfriends get lonely again.)

oh PLZ LOOK at me

L O VE me

나의 강아지부터
my puppy from
( From my puppy )

월급 마지막 숫자까지
my income last number to
( To the last number of my income)

사랑해 줘 (G28)
Love me

엄지검지가 닿을 때 (G53,12)
thumb and index finger touch each other when
( When my thumb and index finger touch each other,)

Like that

단어) 남자들 : men , 남자 : man , 들 : plural form , 홀리다 : to bewitch, 강력하다 : to be strong, 너 : you ( casual), N 땜에 : because of N, 모든 N : all N , 남친: boyfriend, 다시: again, 외롭다 : to be lonely, 나의 : my ( casual), 강아지 : puppy , N부터 : from N, 내 : my (casual) , 월급 : paycheck, 마지막 : last, 숫자 : number , N까지 : to N , 사랑하다 : to love, 엄지 : thumb, 검지 : index finger, 닿다 : to touch ,

이 부셔
(my) eyes (are) dazzled
( You’re dazzling.)

까만 에 별 (G14)
you black night a star
( You are a star in the dark night.)

다른 보여 (G14,21)
other things not seen
( I can’t see anything else.)

I (am) your thing
( I am yours.)

너도 내 과 같다고 (G53,32-2)
you also my heart same

just tell me tell me now
( Just tell me you also feel the same)

에 롤리 팝
my ears in lollipop
( Lollipop in my ears)  

아름다운 목소리(G14,40)
beautiful voice with
( With your beautiful voice)


I forever

너와 함께 춤추고 싶어 (G53,4)
you with together dance wanna
( I wanna dance with you together, forever.)

I want you to love me.

너와 함께 숨 쉬고 싶어 (G53,4)
you with together breathe wanna
( I wanna breathe with you, together.)

단어) 눈 : eye(s), 부시다 : to be dazzling, 넌 : you ( casual, a short form of 너는 , 너 : you , 는 : topic marker), 까맣다 : to be black , 밤 : night , 별 : star, 다르다 : to be other, 거 : thing(s), 보이다 : to be seen, 난 : I ( casual, a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker), 너의: your (casual) , 너의 것 : yours ( casual),  내 : my ( casual) , 맘 : heart, 같다 : to be the same, 귀 : ear(s), 아름답다 : to be beautiful, 목소리 : voice , 영원히 : forever, 함께 : together, 춤추다 : to dance, 숨 쉬다 : to breathe,

You (are) the main star

빛내는 엑스트라 (G6)
I you brightening extra
( I’m the extra that makes you shine.)

조명을 받은 so amazing ma baby (G14)
lighting receive so amazing my baby
( So amazing my baby who receives lighting)

작은 표정에서 (G14)
little face expression from

뿜어내는 아우라 (G6)
Emitting aura
( Your aura that shines with little face expression )

너의 매력
your charm by

베이지 (G45)
I am cut
( I’m cut by your charms.)

Ma lady


아직 모르겠다고 말하긴 늦었어 (G32-2,5,18)
yet don't know saying late
( It’s too late for you to say that you don’t know yet.)

한 마디면 돼 (G22)
you one word fine
( Just one word from you is fine.)  

Say it love me

단어) 넌 : you ( casual, a short form of 너는 , 너 : you , 는 : topic marker), 주인공 : main character, 난 : I ( casual, a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker), 널 : you ( casual, a short form of 너를 , 너 : you, 를 : object marker), 빛내다 : to brighten , 엑스트라 : an extra, background performer , 조명 : lighting , 받다 : to receive, 작다 : to be little , small , 표정 : face expression, N에서 : from N, 뿜어내다 : to emit, 아우라 : aura, 너의 : your ( casual), 매력 : charm , 베이다 : to be cut , 아직 : yet, 모르겠다 : to be not sure, to not know, 말하다 : to say, 늦다 : to be late, 한 마디 : one word, 되다 : to be fine,


I forever

너와 함께 춤추고 싶어 (G53,4)
you with together dance wanna
( I wanna dance with you together, forever.)


I want you to love me.

너와 함께 숨 쉬고 싶어 (G53,4)
you with together breathe wanna
( I wanna breathe with you, together.)

I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you

너와 나의 zone (G53)
( Your and my zone )

넘볼 수 없어 (G1)
( they) desire can't
( No one can desire it.)  

I wanna be with you
I wanna be with you
You’re the only one
Love me love me more

단어) 난 : I ( casual, a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker),영원히 : forever, 너 : you ( casual), 함께 : together, 춤 추다 : to dance, 숨 쉬다 : to breathe, 나의 : my ( casual), 넘보다 : to desire something that is not yours

Quiz created by Eunha Seo with GoConqr

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