May 14, 2014

2NE1- CL : Mental Breakdown /MTBD (멘붕, Menboong)

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2NE1- CL : Mental Breakdown /MTBD  (멘붕, Menboong)
mental의 붕괴
Mental's breakdown (Mental breakdown)
멘붕( Menboong)

Verse 1)

자, 지켜봐라 /   진동의 (G69)
Now , watch /  this vibration's power
( Now, watch over the power of this vibration.)

척추를 타고 내려온 이 느낌 (G14)
spine rode down this feeling
( This feeling that rode down your spine )

한 송이 피우리라 못다 핀 (G1-1,14)
flower a single wanted to  bloom couldn't  bloom
( A singer flower that wanted to bloom but couldn't bloom)

Fire Fire
같이 조심
everyone  together fire caution
( Fire, fire, everyone be careful.)

이건 / 로 / 하는 요가 (G40, 6)
this /  words with/  doing yoga
( This is yoga with  words.)

뻣뻣한 자들은 / 한 번에 / 녹아 (G14)
Stiff people / once at / melt down
( All the stiff people melt down at once.)

꼬리가 길면 / 반드시 잡힌다 (G22,58)
tail long if / definitely get caught
( If your tail is long, you’ll definitely get caught.)

세상은 요지경 /  짜가가 판친다 (G58)
word this terrible condition  / fakers dominate
( The world is in this terrible condition. Fakers dominate.)

수리수리 마수리 수수리 사바하
Soolisooli masooli  soosooli sabaha

 영혼을 확 깨우는 자장가 (G6)
your  soul wide awaking  lullaby
( A lullaby that wide awakes your soul)

위로 올라가 / 자신을 내려 봐
there go up / oneself look down
( Go up there and look down on yourself.)

화           목            토        
Mon Tues  Wed Thurs  Fri Sat   Sun

Words) ~의N: ~’s N  붕괴: breakdown,  멘붕 ( menboong) : slang ( but not a bad word, mental’s men  + 붕괴( boonggwae)’s 붕( boong). ( Nowadays young people like to mix foreign words and Korean words for fun.)
자: now 지켜보다 : to watch 이N: this N  진동: vibration  힘: power 척추: spine 타고 내려오다 : to ride down  느낌: feeling  꽃: flower  한 N: one(single) N 송이: a counting word for flowers 피우리라 못 다피다 : to want to bloom but end up in no bloom  다: everyone 같이: together 불: fire 조심: caution 이건: this thing , a short form of 이것은 ( 이것: this thing, 은 : topic marker) 말: words 하다: to do  요가: yoga 뻣뻣하다: to be stiff  ~ 자들: ~ people  한번에 : at once 녹다: to melt down  꼬리: tail 길다: to be long 반드시: definitely 잡힌다: to get caught 세상: world 요지경: terrible condition  짜가: fake, faker ( slang) 판친다: to dominate 니: you, your(casual) 영혼: soul 확 깨우다: to wide awake  자장가: lullaby  저 (저기) : there 위로 올라가다 : to go up 자신: oneself  내려보다: to look down 월요일 : Monday 화요일: Tuesday 수요일: Wednesday 목요일: Thursday 금요일: Friday 토요일: Saturday 일요일: Sunday


Karma karma karma is looking for you
What u gonna do when they come for you
Karma karma karma is gonna find you
What u gonna do uh
멘붕( Menboong)

Words) 멘붕 ( menboong) : mental breakdown , it is a slang  but not a bad word . it’s a combination of mental’s men and 붕괴( boonggwae means breakdown )’s 붕( boong). Nowdays Korean young people like to mix foreign words and Korean words for fun.

Verse 2)

보름달이 떴다 /  강강수월래 (G18,58)
Full moon rose up / Ganggangsoowollae
( The full moon is up. Ganggangsoowollae )

2ne1이 떴다 (G18,58)
2Nel rose up (2NE1 is here)
Everybody sqalay

세상을 멱살을 흔드는 막춤 (G6)
this world  neck skin shaking random dance
( A random dance that will shake the world by its neck)

숨겨진  은  감별해  짝퉁 (G14)
hidden my  eyes tell apart  faker
( My hidden eyes can tell apart the fakers.)

빠르디 빠른 뛰어 / 산토끼처럼
real fast  I   run / mountain rabbit  like
( I’m real fast and run like a rabbit living in a mountain.)

대박을 터뜨려/  쌍 코피처럼
big success  burst / double nosebleed like
( I hit it big like a double nosebleed.)

헝클어진 머리에 풀리는 동공 (G14,6)
Messed up hair and glazed pupils
( Messed up hair and glazed eyes )

멘탈은 붕괴  미션은 성공
( Mental breakdown  mission success)

비비디 바비디 부 하쿠나 마타타
Bippity boppity boo, hakuna matata

지금 너의 무의식을 따라가
now your unconcious mind follow
( Now follow along your unconscious mind.

돌고 도는세상 바라봐  (G6)
spin and spinning this world  look
( Look at this spinning world.)

화           목             토       일
Mon Tues  Wed Thurs   Fri Sat  Sun

Words)  보름달: full moon  뜨다: to rise up  강강수월래: Ganggangsoowollae is a Korean traditional dance ( people move and dance in a circle while singing the chorus, Ganggangsoowollae ) 이N: this N  세상: world  멱살:  neck skin  흔들다: to shake  막춤: random dance  숨겨지다: to be hidden  내N : my N ( casual) 눈:eyes  감별하다: to tell apart  짝퉁: fake, faker  빠르디 빠르다: to be real fast  난 :I ( casual, a short form of 나는 , 나: I ,  는: topic marker) 뛰다: to run 산토끼: rabbit especially living in a mountain  N처럼: like N   대박을 터뜨리다: to hit it big, to make a big success ( 대박: big success , 터뜨리다: to burst )  쌍코피: double nosebleed ( 쌍:double, a pair, 코피: nosebleed)  헝클어지다: to be messed up 머리: hair  풀리다 ( of eyes) : to glaze  동공: pupil (of eye) 붕괴: breakdown  성공: success  지금: now  너의: your (casual) 무의식: unconscious mind  따라가다: to follow  돌다: to spin  바라보다: to look  월요일 : Monday 화요일: Tuesday 수요일: Wednesday 목요일: Thursday 금요일: Friday 토요일: Saturday 일요일: Sunday


Karma karma karma is looking for you
What u gonna do when they come for you
Karma karma karma is gonna find you
What u gonna do uh
멘붕 (Menboong)

How beautiful is this life
How painful is this life
How beautiful is this life
How painful is this life
멘붕 (Menboong)

Words) 멘붕 ( menboong) : mental breakdown , it is a slang  but not a bad word . it’s a combination of mental’s men and 붕괴( boonggwae means breakdown )’s 붕( boong). Nowadays Korean young people like to mix foreign words and Korean words for fun.
by Eunha Seo


Unknown said...

Could you pleeease do IU - twenty three? (스물셋)

Korean through K-pop said...

Thank you for your comment. Actaully speaking of that song, her pronuncation is not clear at each syllable so it's not a good song to learn Korean. I think she just tried to sing like that to deliver her feelings rather than meanings of the lyrics. I hope you understand.

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, ok. I was just wondering about that song because she used interesting phrases and I didn't understand a lot of it, so I wondered if she was using more advanced conjugations or something. But that makes sense, with your explanation of the pronunciation, etc.
Thank you!