Feb 27, 2014

SM The Ballad - Breath ( 숨소리 by JongHyun of Shinee & TaeYeon of Girls’ Generation)

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SM The Ballad ( 종현 & 태현) - 숨소리 (Breath),  released in Feb, 2014 / JongHyun (Shinee) & TaeYeon (Girls’ Generation)
Verse 1)
JH) 모르게 / 전화기를 들고 말았어(G49)
I even not knowingly / phone holding ended up.
(Without even knowing, I ended up holding the phone.)
"나야,   오랜만이야." (G41)
"Me it is , really been a long time it is "
("It’s me,  really it’s been a long time.")
너무 힘이 들어서 (G29)
(It was)  very  hard so
잡기도/  미안해서 (G5,29)
holding (u) back even / (I)  felt sorry so..
(It was very  hard and I felt sorry about even holding you back so.. )
너를 보낸 게 / 후회돼서(G29,50)
you  (I) letting go / regrettable so
한숨쉬는 걸 (G50)
a sigh only letting out
(Letting you go is regrettable, so  I  just let out a sigh.)
Words) 나: I (casual)  ~도 : even ~  모르게: unknowingly ( 모르다: not to know  -게 : adverb suffix like ‘ly’ in English ) 전화기: phone  들다: to hold  참: really  오랜만: a long time  너무: very  힘이 들다: to be hard  잡다: to hold (back)  미안하다: to be sorry 너: you (causal)  ~ 보내다: to let go of ~ , to send ~  후회되다: to be regrettable  한숨 쉬다: to let out a sigh  N 만: only N  
TY) 너무 놀라서 / 이 나오지도 않았어 (G21,29)
very  was surprised so / words  come out even didn't
( I was so surprised that  I couldn't even speak.)
떨리는  가슴만 붙잡았어 (G6,18)
trembling  heart only held on to
(I held  on to my trembling heart.)
많이 힘든지 / 지금 어디 있는지(G24-1, 24- 2)
Whether a lot   hard / now where (you) are
(Whether it is so hard / now where you are ,)
묻기도 전에 / 눈물흘렀어 (G5,18)
asking even before / tears  flowed down.
(Before I even asked, tears fell down.)  
숨소리만  들려도/  그래 (G20)
your breath sound only is heard even if / (I) become like that
(Even if i hear your breath, I become like that.)
Words) 놀라다: to be surprised  말: words  나오다: to come out  떨리다: to tremble 가슴: heart  ~ 붙잡다: to hold on to ~ 많이: a lot (adverb)  지금: now  어디: where 있다: to be, to exist  묻다: to ask  ~전에: before~  눈물: tears  흐르다: to flow (down)  니: your, you(casual)  숨소리: breath sound, breath ( 숨: breath, 소리: sound)   들리다: to be heard 그렇다: to become like that
JH &TY)  
눈물이렇게 흘러내리 (G22)
tears  like this fall down if
(If  tears fall down like this,)
아끼던 내 작은 추억들마저도 / 어쩔 줄 몰라 (G14,34)
cherished my small memories even / what to do with (I) don't know
(I don't know what to do with even my small and cherished memories.)
너무 아파서 (G29)
very painful so
서로 놓아주길 / 약속했지만 (G5,18,30)
each other letting go / (We)  promised but
(It was very painful so we promised to let each other go but, )
자신 없을 때 (G12)
(I am) sure not when  (When I'm not sure,)
가끔  숨소리라도 / 들려주길 (G36,48)
sometimes (your) breath sound at least / let me hear (I hope)
(I hope you  let me hear at least your breath sometimes.)
Words) 눈물: tears 이렇게: like this  흘러내리다: to fall down  아끼다: to cherish  내 N : my N  작다: to be small  추억: memory  N 들 : N ‘s plural form ( 추억들: memories) ~마저도: even ~  어쩔 줄 모르다: not to know what/ how to do   아프다: to be painful  서로: each other ~ 놓아주다: to let go of ~ , to release ~  놓아주길: a shortened form of 놓아주기 (letting go)+ 를 (object marker) 약속하다: to promise    자신 없다: not to be sure, not to be confident  가끔: sometimes  ~ 에게 들려주다: to let ~ hear (Refer to G 44)
Verse 2)
JH) 숨을 쉬는 게 / 매일 눈을 뜨는 게 (G50)
breathing / everyday eyes opening
(Breathing, opening my eyes every day,)
겨우 하루사는 게 (G50)
barely a day  living
(barely living  a day,)
TY) 죽는 것 보다 /힘이 든다고 / 네게 / 말을 못했어 (G18,32-1,50)
dying than  / ( those things were ) harder / you to / (I) couldn't talk
(I couldn't talk to you that those things were harder than dying.)
걱정할 것 같아(G29, 42-3)
(you) will get worried I  think because
바보처럼 /한숨쉬는 걸 (G50)
fool like / a sigh only letting out
(I think u will get worried so, like a fool, I just let out a sigh.)
Words) 숨: breath (N) 숨 쉬다: to breath 매일: everyday  눈 뜨다: to open eyes ( 눈: eye)  겨우: barely  하루: a day 살다: to live  죽다: to die  ~ 보다: compared to ~, than ~  힘이 들다: to be hard  네게: to you (written)  말하다: to talk  걱정하다: to be worried  바보: fool, idiot   N 처럼: like N  한숨 쉬다: to let out a sigh ( 한숨: a sigh)  N만: only N  
JH &TY)  
눈물이렇게 흘러내리 (G22)
tears  like this fall down if
(If  tears fall down like this,)
아끼던 내 작은 추억들마저도 / 어쩔 줄 몰라 (G14,34)
cherished my small memories even / what to do with (I) don't know
(I don't know what to do with even my small and cherished memories.)
너무 아파서 (G29)
very painful so
서로 놓아주길 / 약속했지만 (G5,18,30)
each other letting go / (We)  promised but
(It was very painful so we promised to let each other go but, )
자신 없을 때 (G12)
(I am) sure not when  (When I'm not sure,)
가끔  숨소리라도 / 들려주길 (G36,48)
sometimes (your) breath sound at least / let me hear (I hope)
(I hope you  let me hear at least your breath sometimes.)
Words) 눈물: tears 이렇게: like this  흘러내리다: to fall down  아끼다: to cherish  내 N : my N  작다: to be small  추억: memory  N 들 : N ‘s plural form ( 추억들: memories) ~마저도: even ~  어쩔 줄 모르다: not to know what/ how to do   아프다: to be painful  서로: each other ~ 놓아주다: to let go of ~ , to release ~  놓아주길: a shortened form of 놓아주기 (letting go)+ 를 (object marker) 약속하다: to promise    자신 없다: not to be sure, not to be confident  가끔: sometimes  ~ 에게 들려주다: to let ~ hear (Refer to G 44)
TY) 하고픈 / 이 많아도 (G14,20)
wanted to say  / words a lot even if
(Even if there was so much I wanted to say,)
아무 말도 하고 (G1-1,3)
I any words couldn't  do and
( I couldn't say anything and ,)
괜찮다고 / 서로를 달래고 아파했어 (G3,18,32-2)
everything  okay we said / each other comforted and were in pain
(We said that everything was okay, comforting each other in pain.)
JH) 되돌리 / 우린 행복하기만 했어 (G22,51)
Everything look back if / we happy only were
(When I look back on everything,  we were only happy.)
놓지 못 하고 있어 (G1-1,52)
(We) are not letting (each other) go
Words) 하고프다: to want to do(say)   말: words  많다: to be a lot  난: I ( a short form of 나는, I & topic marker) 아무 N 도: any N (used only in a negative sentence) 하다: to do  다: everything, all  괜찮다: to be all right, OK   서로: each other 달래다: to comfort  아파하다: to be in pain   ~ 되돌리다: to turn ~ back , to look back ~  우린: we (a short form of 우리는, we & topic marker)  행복하다: to be happy   ~ 놓다: to let go of ~
JH &TY)  
눈물이 이렇게 흘러내리면 (G22)
tears like this fall down if
(If  tears fall down like this,)
아끼던작은  추억들마저도 / 어쩔 줄 몰라 (G14,34)
cherished my small  memories even / what to do with (I) don't know
(I don't know what to do with even my small and cherished memories.)
너무 아파서 (G29)
very painful so
서로 놓아주길 / 약속했지만 (G5,18,30)
each other letting go / (We)  promised but
(It was very painful so we promised to let each other go but, )
자꾸 / 니가 생각 날 땐 (G12)
repeatedly / you come to my mind when
(When you keep coming to my mind,)
참을 수 없이  / 힘들 땐 (G12)
Intolerably / (it's) hard when
(When it’s so hard intolerably )
이렇게라도 / 가끔 숨소리라도 / 들려주길 (G36,48)
this way at least / sometimes breath sound at least / let me hear (I hope)
(At least this way, I hope you let me hear at least your breath sometimes)
Words) 눈물: tears 이렇게: like this  흘러내리다: to fall down  아끼다: to cherish  내 N : my N  작다: to be small  추억: memory  N 들 : N ‘s plural form ( 추억들: memories) ~마저도: even ~  어쩔 줄 모르다: not to know what/ how to do  너무: very  아프다: to be painful  서로: each other ~ 놓아주다: to let go of ~ , to release ~   놓아주길: a shortened form of 놓아주기 (letting go)+ 를 (object marker)  약속하다: to promise  자꾸: repeatedly  니: you ( causal)  생각나다: to come to mind  땐: a short form of 때는 ( 때: refer to G12, 는: contrast marker)  참을 수 없이: intolerably  힘이 들다: to be hard  이렇게 : like this   가끔: sometimes  ~ 에게 들려주다: to let ~ hear (Refer to G 44)

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