Mar 2, 2014

Sunmi - Full moon (보름달)

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Sunmi (선미) - Full moon ( 보름달, released in Feb, 2014)
The First collaboration of JYP
and Brave Sound
Here comes 선미 (Sunmi)
eh eh eh eh eh 
eh eh eh eh eh 
eh eh eh eh eh 
OK It's time to Leggo
Verse 1)
지금 당장  / 아무 도/  필요 없어
now  right now  /  any words / need  there’s no
(There's no need to talk right now.)
그대나의  빛이  말해주는 걸 (G53, 62)
your and my  eyes’ lights telling
( Your and my eyes are telling.)
말하지 마 / 아무 도 / 필요  없어 (G2)
talk don't / any words/  need  there'no
(Don’t talk, there’s no need to talk.)
촉촉이 젖은  입술에 / 살며시 다가와 / 입 맞춰(G14, 28)
moistly  wet  my  lips to / slowly approach /  kiss  please
(Approach slowly and please kiss my slightly wet lips )
Words)  지금 당장: right now ( 지금: now)  아무 N 도: any N ( only used in a negative sentence) 말: words  N 도: even N  필요 없다:not to need  그대: you, your  ( poetic word)  N 와 N : N and N  나의: my ( casual) 눈빛: lights from one’s eyes ( 눈: eyes 빛: light)  말해주다: to tell  말하다: to talk, to speak  촉촉이 moistly 젖다: to wet  내: my (casual) 입술: lips  살며시: slowly  다가오다: to approach  입 맞추다: to kiss ( 입: lips, 맞추다: to match)  
사랑한단 뻔한 마디(G14,32-1)
‘ Love (you)’  obvious that one word
( The obvious one word saying ’ I love you’ )
특별하게 느껴지는 오늘밤 (G6)
specially felt  tonight
( Tonight when I feel special)
이리 심장빨리  뛰는지 (G24-2)
why like this (my) heart  fast beat
(<implying that I don't know> why my heart is  beating fast like this. )
자, 이제 / 시간이 됐어 (G18)
Now / time came
(The time is now.)
그대여! / 보름달이 뜨는 / 그대, 날 보러와요 (G6,54)
You ! / full moon rising day  / you , me come to see please
(When the full moon rises , please come to see me.)
 이 가기 전에  /  뜨기 전에 / 서둘러줘요 (G5,28)
this  night  going  before  / sun  rising before / hurry please
(Before this night is over and the sun rises, please hurry.)
그대여 ! / 보름달이 뜨는 / 그대  사랑을 줘요(G6)
You ! / full moon rising day / your  love  give (me) please
(When the full moon rises, please give me your love.)
 이 가기 전에 / 뜨기 전에 / 날 보러 와요 (G5,54)
this  night  going before / sun rising before / me come to see please
(Before this night is over  and the sun rises, please come to see me.)
eh eh eh eh eh
eh eh eh eh eh
eh eh eh eh eh (Perfect weather can get no better)
eh eh eh eh eh
eh eh eh eh eh
eh eh eh eh eh (Everything around us so so real yo)
Words) 사랑하다: to love  뻔하다: to be obvious  그 N: that N  한 마디: a word 특별하게: specially  느껴지다: to be felt  오늘 밤: tonight ( 오늘: today, 밤: night) 왜: why 이리: like this 심장: heart ( inside the body) 뛰다: to beat, to run  빨리: fast   자, 이제 : now  시간:  time  그대여! : You! (it is  used to call ‘you’ in a poetic way) 보름달: full moon 뜨다: to rise  날: day 그대: you, your ( poetic) 날: me , a short form of 나를 (나: I  를: object marker)  보다: to see 오다: to come  이 N: this N : 밤: night  가다: to go  전에: before  해 뜨다: to sunrise  (해: the sun) 서두르다: to hurry 사랑: love  주다: give
Tonight, It's the night
보름달조명 삼아 / 사랑속삭이기좋은 밤 (G5,14)
full moon  lighting by means of  / love  whispering just good night
( just a good night to use  the full moon as a  lighting and whisper our love)
기분 좋은  날씨, / 11시, / 완벽한 setting (G14)
feeling  good  weather, /  11pm , / perfect setting
( Good weather, 11pm , a perfect setting)
하늘마저도 / 우릴 축복하나 봐 (G55)
sky even /  us bless it looks like
(It looks like even the skies are blessing us.)
서두르지 말고 / 하나도 빼놓지 말고 (G2, 3)
rush don't and / one even leave out don't and
(Don’t rush and don’t leave out even one and, )
우리만 생각하고 /  은 길다고 (G3,32-2)
us only think and / this  night long I say  
( Think about us only and  I say, the night is long )
그대  을 잡고 (G3)
your  hands (I)  hold and
(I hold your hand and,)
walking on the moon
굳게 닫힌 / 빠짐없이 열어 / 오랫동안 기다려 왔던 (G14,34)
firmly closed door  / completely open / for a long time (I) been waiting dream
(Open the firmly closed door completely. The dream I have been waiting for a long time)
Words) 보름달: full moon 조명: a lighting  ~ 삼아: by means of ~ , as ~   사랑: love  속삭이다: to whisper  딱 좋다: to be just good (right)  밤: night  기분 좋다: to feel good ( 기분: mood 좋다: to be good) 날씨: weather   No.시 : No. am/pm  완벽하다: to be perfect  하늘: sky   N 마저도: even N   우릴: us , a short form of 우리를 ( 우리: we 를: object marker)  축복하다: to bless  서두르다: to hurry 하나: one   빼놓다: to leave out   N 만: only N  생각하다: to think  이 밤: this night  길다: to be long  그대: you, your ( poetic) 손: hand(s) 잡다: to hold  굳게: firmly  닫히다: to be closed (shut)  문: door   빠짐없이: without exception, completely   오랫동안: for a long time  기다려오다: to have been waiting  꿈: dream
사랑한단 뻔한 마디(G14,32-1)
‘ Love (you)’  obvious that one word
( The obvious one word saying ’ I love you’ )
특별하게 느껴지는 오늘밤 (G6)
specially felt  tonight
( Tonight when I feel special)
이리 심장빨리  뛰는지 (G24-2)
why like this (my) heart  fast beat
(<implying that I don't know> why my heart is  beating fast like this. )
자, 이제 / 시간이 됐어 (G18)
Now / time came
(The time is now.)
그대여! / 보름달이 뜨는 / 그대, 날 보러와요 (G6,54)
You ! / full moon rising day  / you , me come to see please
(When the full moon rises , please come to see me.)
 이 가기 전에 /  뜨기 전에 / 서둘러줘요 (G5,28)
this  night  going before / sun  rising before / hurry please
(Before this night is over and the sun rises, please hurry.)
그대여 ! / 보름달이 뜨는 / 그대  사랑을 줘요(G6)
You ! / full moon rising day / your  love  give (me) please
(When the full moon rises, please give me your love.)
 이 가기 전에 / 뜨기 전에 / 날 보러 와요 (G5,54)
this  night  going  before / sun rising before / me come to see please
(Before this night is over and the sun rises, please come to see me.)
Words) 사랑하다: to love   뻔하다: to be obvious  그 N: that N  한 마디: a word 특별하게: specially  느껴지다: to be felt  오늘 밤: tonight ( 오늘: today, 밤: night) 왜: why 이리: like this 심장: heart ( inside the body) 뛰다: to beat, to run  빨리: fast   자, 이제 : now  시간:  time  그대여! : You! (it is  used to call ‘you’ in a poetic way) 보름달: full moon 뜨다: to rise  날: day 그대: you, your ( poetic) 날: me , a short form of 나를 (나: I  를: object marker)  보다: to see 오다: to come  이 N: this N : 밤: night  가다: to go  전에: before  해 뜨다: to sunrise  (해: the sun) 서두르다: to hurry 사랑: love  주다: give
빗속에 / 이 흠뻑 젖고  (G3)
rain in  /  this  clothes  soak and
(In the rain these clothes soak and,)
,  단둘이 / 이 을 걷고 (G3, 53)
you and I , just two / this path walk and
(You and I , just two of us  we walk together on this path.)
달콤한 사랑속삭여요
sweet love  whisper
(We whisper sweet love.)
eh eh eh eh eh
eh eh eh eh eh
eh eh eh eh eh (Perfect weather can get no better)
eh eh eh eh eh
eh eh eh eh eh
eh eh eh eh eh (Everything around us so so real yo)
Words) 비: rain 속에: in(side)  빗속에: in the rain  이 N: this N 옷: clothes 흠뻑 젖다: to soak  너:you (casual) N 와 N : N and N  나: I ( casual)  단 둘: just two   길: path, street  걷다: to walk  달콤하다: to be sweet  사랑: love   속삭이다: to whisper

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