Feb 21, 2014

Hyolyn - Hello( 안녕)- Man From the Stars OST

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효린 (Hyolyn of Sistar) - 안녕 ( Hello) (Man from the Stars OST, 별에서 온 그대 Jan,2014)

우연히 내게 / 다가와  / 감싸안아 주 (G3,28,44 )
coincidentally  me to / came  closely  /  embraced me and
(You came closely to me coincidentally and  embraced me and )

서로 멍하니 바라보다  / 건넨 , 안녕 (G14,46)
each other  blankly stared as /  offered words , Goodbye
(As we blankly stared at each other, you offered words, Good bye  )
속에서 스쳐갔던 / 지금 앞에 (G18,34 )
dream inside only passed by / now you my front
(Now (it is) you in front of me that  passed through in my dreams only)
Words) 우연히: coincidentally  내게: to me  다가오다: to approach 감싸안다: to embrace  서로: each other 멍하니: blankly 바라보다: to stare at  말을 건네다 : to offer words  안녕: Hello, Goodbye (causal) 꿈: dream ~속에서: inside  ~만: only~  스쳐가다: to pass by~  지금: now  넌: you(casual) , a short form of 너는 ( 너: you, 는: topic marker) 내 앞에: in front of me ( 내: my 앞: front 에: in, place marker)
사랑왔는데 (G18,38)
Love  came but (Love has come but)

그댄 떠난대 (G32)
you leave you say ( you say you’re leaving)

기다렸는데 (G18,38)
(I) waited  but (I waited for you)

볼 수가 없대 (G1, 32)
More I can't see you , you say
(you say I can’t see you anymore)

always fool like  (Always like a fool)

흐르는  눈물이 말해(G6)
flowing  tears talk
(The flowing tears talk to me )

안녕  이젠 Good bye
Goodbye  now, goodbye

hello hello hello
hello hello 

Words)  사랑: love  오다: to come 그댄: you,  a short form of 그대&는 ( 그대: you as a poetic word 는: topic marker) 떠나다: to leave  기다리다: to wait  더: more  보다: to see  늘: always 바보: fool  N처럼: like N 흐르다: to flow 눈물: tears 말하다: to talk, speak  이젠: now, a short form of 이제&는 ( 이제: now 는: contrast marker)

다시 만날 땐 / 내가 먼저/  "괜찮아 , 안녕" (G12)
again meet when / I  first  / "(I'm)  alright , hello"
(When we meet again, I’ll be the first to say
I’m alright, hello)

에서라도 / 마주칠까? (G36,47)
dreams in at least / (I)  run into will?  
(Will I run into you at least in my dreams?)

two  eyes (I) close  (I close my two eyes)
Words)  다시: again 만나다: to meet  땐: a short form of 때는 ( 때: occasion, moment 는: contrast marker) 내가: I  먼저: first (before someone else does an action) 괜찮다: to be OK, alright  마주치다: to run into  두 N: two N 눈: eyes 감다: to close

사랑왔는데 (G18,38)
Love  came but (Love has come but)

그댄 떠난대 (G32)
you leave you say ( you say you’re leaving)

기다렸는데 (G18,38)
(I) waited  but (I waited for you)

볼 수가 없대 (G1, 32)
More I can't see you , you say
(you say I can’t see you anymore)

always fool like  (Always like a fool)

흐르는  눈물이 말해(G6)
flowing  tears talk
(The flowing tears talk to me )

안녕  이젠 Good bye
Goodbye  now, goodbye

hello hello hello
hello hello
Words)  사랑: love  오다: to come 그댄: you,  a short form of 그대&는 ( 그대: you as a poetic word 는: topic marker) 떠나다: to leave  기다리다: to wait  더: more  보다: to see  늘: always 바보: fool  N처럼: like N 흐르다: to flow 눈물: tears 말하다: to talk, speak  이젠: now, a short form of 이제&는 ( 이제: now 는: contrast marker)

시간서둘러 / 내게로 / 데려와주길 (G28,44,48)
time  hurries up  / you me to/  (time) bring (I hope)
(I hope time hurries up and brings you to me)

한번만  / 말해주길 (G48)
just once only /  tell (me) (I hope)
(I hope  you will tell me just once)

믿어지지 않는  이야기(G6,21)
Unbelieved  stories (Unbelievable stories)

어디 있는지 (G24)
Where (you) are (implying that I want to know)
( I want to know where you are)

내   / 아는지/  (G24)
my  heart /  whether (you) know
( Whether you know my heart or not )

보고 싶은데 (G38)
miss (you) but  (I miss you but)

다신 볼 수 없는 (G1,6)
again see can't place in
(In a place I can’t ever see you again)

 하늘에 /소리쳐 ,안녕
night  sky to / (I) shout , Hello
I shout to the night sky, hello
Words) 시간: time 서두르다: to hurry up 널:you(casual) , a short form of 너를 (너: you 를: object marker)  내게로: to me (same as 내게, ~로 : to~) 데려오다: to bring  단 N: only, just N 한번: once  N만: only N  말해주다: to tell 믿어지다: to be believed 이야기: stories  어디: where 있다: to be, to exist 내: my 맘: heart  알다: to know  보고 싶다: to miss  다시: again 보다: to see 곳: place 밤: night 하늘: sky 소리치다: to shout

사랑왔는데 (G18,38)
Love  came but (Love has come but)

그댄 떠난대 (G32)
you leave you say ( you say you’re leaving)

기다렸는데 (G18,38)
(I) waited  but (I waited for you)

볼 수가 없대 (G1, 32)
More I can't see you , you say
(you say I can’t see you anymore)

always fool like  (Always like a fool)

흐르는  눈물이 말해(G6)
flowing  tears talk
(The flowing tears talk to me )

안녕  이젠 Good bye
Goodbye  now, goodbye

hello hello hello
hello hello
Words)  사랑: love  오다: to come 그댄: you,  a short form of 그대&는 ( 그대: you as a poetic word 는: topic marker) 떠나다: to leave  기다리다: to wait  더: more  보다: to see  늘: always 바보: fool  N처럼: like N 흐르다: to flow 눈물: tears 말하다: to talk, speak  이젠: now, a short form of 이제&는 ( 이제: now 는: contrast marker)

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