Jun 30, 2014

BEAST (B2ST) - No more (이젠 아니야)

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BEAST (B2ST) - No more ( 이젠 아니야, released in June, 2014)
Verse 1)

 바보같이 / 못 잊고 그러고 있니? (G3,23)
why fool like/  me cant forget like that?
( Why can't you forget me like a fool?)

아직 까지 / 네게 / 좋은 사람인 거니? (G 44,14,50-1)   
why still I / you to / good person am?
( Why am I still a good person to you?)

우리 헤어진 지가 벌써  몇 달이 지났는데 (G79,18,38-1)
we broke up already  a few months passed but
( It’s  already been a few months since we broke up but,)

아직도 지난 추억에 / 살고 있니? (G52, 23)
why still you past memories in / are living?
( Why are you still living in the past  memories?)

좋은 사람  곁에 많잖아 (G14,61)
good people  by side a lot ,as you know
( As you know, there are a lot of good people next to you.)

새로운 사랑 시작해도 괜찮아 (G14, 74)
new love start ( it is ) okay
( It’s okay if you start a new love.)

웃으며 / 가  정말 행복하길 / 바랄게 (G16,48,57)
smiling while / you  really happy will / I hope
( With a smile, I really hope you will be happy.)

헤매이는 가 / 눈에 밟혀서 (G6, 29-2)
wandering around you / (I) am haunted by the image so,

새로운 사랑 시작할 수 없잖아 (G14,1,61)
new love (I) start cant as you know
( I am hunted by the image of  you wandering around, so I can’t start a new love as you know.)

Oh yeah 이렇게 / 늦은 시간에,   (G14)
Oh yeah  like this /  late time,  you
( Oh yeah, at this  late hour, you..)

Words) 왜: why 바보: a fool N같이: like N 날: me (casual, a short form of 나를, 나: I, 를: object marker) 잊다: to forget 그렇다: to be like that 아직 까지: still 난: I ( casual, a short form of 나는, 나: I 는: topic marker) 네게: to you   좋다: to be good 사람: person 이다: to be  우리: we 헤어지다: to break up 벌써: already 몇 달: a few months 지나다: to pass 왜: why 아직도: still 넌: you (casual, a short form of 너는 , 너: you, 는: topic marker) 추억: memories 살다: to live 곁에: by side 많다: to be a lot  새롭다: to be new 사랑: love 시작하다: to start 괜찮다: to be ok , to be alright 웃다: to smile 니: you(casual) 정말: really  행복하다: to be happy  헤매이다: to wander around    ~ 눈에 밟히다: to be haunted by the image of ~ 이렇게: like this  늦다: to be late 시간:time


찾아왔니 ? (G18,23)
why again came to see (me)?
( Why did you come to see me again?)

떠나보낸 비겁한 인데 (G14,38-3)
you let go coward I was
( I was coward to let you go.)

너머로 / 들려오는 슬픈 울음 소리 (G6,14)
door over/ coming into hearing sad crying sound
( Sad cries that come into hearing over the door. )

찾아왔니 ? (G18,23)
why again came to see (me)?
( Why did you come to see me again?)

이미  차갑게 식어버린 내게(G14,44)
already  coldly cooled down me to
( to me who already coldly cooled down)

너에게 / 나눠 줄 온기는 없는데(G44, 43,38-3)
you to / share warmth  more (I) there's no
(There's no more warmth to share with you.)

이젠 아니야 / 이젠 아니야/ 가 기댈 사람 (G41-1, 43)
from now on  No /from now on  No /  you lean on person
(From now on, no more, no more.  I’m not someone you can lean on.)

Words) 왜: why 또: again 찾아오다: to come to see 널: you (casual, a short form of 너를, 너: you, 를: object marker) 떠나보내다: to let go 비겁하다: to be coward 나: I (casual) 이다: to be  문: door 너머로: over, across 들려오다: to come into hearing 슬프다: to be sad 울음소리: cries ( 울음: crying , 소리: sound) 이미: already 차갑게: coldly 식어버리다: to cool down 내게: to me (casual) 너에게: to you (casual) 나눠주다: to share 온기: warmth 더: more 없다: there's no 이젠: from now on  아니다: to be not , to be no 니: you (casual)기대다: to depend on 사람: person


그래, 마음껏/  울어
Fine, to your heart's content/  cry
( Fine, Cry to your heart's content.)

그렇게 /   씻어낼 수 있다면 (G1,22-1)
like that /  me wash away can if (you)
( If you can wash me away like that,)

맘 속 / 미련 다 지워낼 수 있다면 (G1,22-1)
your heart inside / lingering attachment all erase away can if (you)
( If you can erase away all the lingering attachment in your heart,)

가 아플 만큼 가치 있는  사람 아니야 (G64-3, 6, 41-1)
you feeling pain as much worthy  person (I am) not
( I’m not worth the pain you are feeling.)

예전처럼 / 너랑 같이 있는 사람 아니야 ( G6,41-1)
the past like / you with together being person (I am) not
( I’m not the person who was with you in the past .)

사랑해서 보낸단 / 그런 거짓말 같은 건  하기 싫어 (G14,5)
' (I) you love so (I) let go' / that kind of lie like doing hate I
(I hate telling you  that kind of a lie  that I let you go because I love you.)

오늘만 / 같이 있어줄게 (G28,57)
today just / together (I) am with you will
( I’ll stay with you just for today.)

얼른 일어나
hurriedly get up  (Hurry and get up)  

내밀어 줄 수 있지만 / 이것도 오늘까지(G1,30)
hand  hold out for you (I) can but/  this  today until just
( I can hold out my hand for you but this is just for today.)

돌아갈 순 없어 / 알잖아  (G1,61)
(we) go back cant / as you know
( As you know, we can’t go back.)

내 곁에선 / 행복할 수 없잖아 (G1,61)
my side by / (you) happy cant as you know
( As you know, you can’t be happy next to me.)

웃게 해줄 그런 사람  찾아 떠나 (G43)
you make smile that kind of person find go
( Go to find a kind of  person who can make you smile.)

헤매이는 가 / 눈에 밟혀서 (G6,29-2)
wandering you / (I) am haunted by the image so,

하루도 / 이 편하질 않아 (G21)
just a single day even / (my) heart comfortable not
( I am hunted by the image of  you wandering around, so my heart is not comfortable  for a single day even.)

Oh yeah 이렇게 / 늦은 시간에,   (G14)
Oh yeah  like this /  late time,  you
( Oh yeah, at this  late hour, you..)

Words) 마음껏: to one's heart content ( 마음: heart) 울다: to cry  그렇게: like that 날: me (casual, a short form of 나를, 나: I, 를: object marker) 씻어내다: to wash away  내: my(casual) 맘 속: inside of heart (맘: heart 속: inside) 미련: lingering attachment 다: all 지워내다: to erase away 니: you (casual) 아프다: to feel pain 가치 있다: to be worthy 사람: person 아니다: to be not  예전: the past N처럼: like N 너랑: with you (casual) 같이: together 있다: to be  널: you (casual, a short form of 너를, 너: you, 를: object marker) 사랑하다: to love 보내다: to let go 그런 N: that kind of N 거짓말: a lie N 같은 건: like N 하다: to do 하다: to do 싫다: to hate  오늘: today  N만: just, only N  같이: together  얼른 : hurriedly  일어나다: to get up  손: hand 내밀다: to hold out  이것: this  N도: also N   오늘: today   N까지: until N  N만: just N,.only N  돌아가다: to go back 알다: to know 내 곁: my side 행복하다: to be happy 널: you (casual, a short form of 너를, 너: you, 를: object marker) 웃게 해주다: to make somebody smile  찾아 떠나가다: to go to find  헤매이다: to wander around  눈에 밟히다: to be haunted by the image of ~ 단: only, just  하루: a single day  N도: even N 맘: heart  편하다: to be comfortable  이렇게: like this  늦다: to be late 시간:time 넌: you (casual, a short form of 너는 , 너: you, 는: topic marker)


찾아왔니 ? (G18,23)
why again came to see (me)?
( Why did you come to see me again?)

떠나보낸 비겁한 인데 (G14,38-3)
you let go coward I was
( I was coward to let you go.)

너머로 / 들려오는 슬픈 울음 소리 (G6,14)
door over/ coming into hearing sad crying sound
( Sad cries that come into hearing over the door. )

찾아왔니 ? (G18,23)
why again came to see (me)?
( Why did you come to see me again?)

이미  차갑게 식어버린 내게(G14,44)
already  coldly cooled down me to
( to me who already coldly cooled down)

너에게 / 나눠 줄 온기는 없는데(G44, 43,38-3)
you to / share warmth  more (I) there's no
(There's no more warmth to share with you.)

Words) 왜: why 또: again 찾아오다: to come to see 널: you (casual, a short form of 너를, 너: you, 를: object marker) 떠나보내다: to let go 비겁하다: to be coward 나: I (casual) 이다: to be  문: door 너머로: over, across 들려오다: to come into hearing 슬프다: to be sad 울음소리: cries ( 울음: crying , 소리: sound) 이미: already 차갑게: coldly 식어버리다: to cool down 내게: to me (casual) 너에게: to you (casual) 나눠주다: to share 온기: warmth 더: more 없다: there's no

그만해줄래?   이젠  (G28,66)
Stop please will you , from now on
( Now, will you please stop? )

시간이 갈수록 / 냉정해지는 내 모습(G6)
as time goes by / colder getting my appearance
( I’m getting colder as time goes by.)

가 상처 받을까 / 너무 두려워 (G76)
you  be hurt will /  I so  afraid
( I am so afraid that you will be hurt.)

내가 보란 듯이 / 살아가면/   (G22-1)
I showily / (you) well keep living if / ok
( It will be okay if you keep living well as if you have something to show me.)

이젠 더 이상 아니야 / 가 기댈 사람 (G41-1,43)
From now on any more not/  you lean on person
( From now on, no more. I’m not someone you can lean on.)

Words) 그만하다: to stop 이젠: from now on 니: you(casual) 상처 받다: to be hurt 난: I (casual, a short form of 나는 , 나: I, 는: topic marker) 너무: so, very 두렵다: to be afraid 내가: I (casual) 보란듯이: glowingly , proudly 잘: well 살아가다: to keep living  되다: to be ok  이젠: from now on  더 이상: anymore 아니다: to be not , to be no 니: you (casual)  기대다: to depend on 사람: person


찾아왔니 ? (G18,23)
why again came to see (me)?
( Why did you come to see me again?)

떠나보낸 비겁한 인데 (G14,38-3)
you let go coward I was
( I was coward to let you go.)

너머로 / 들려오는 슬픈 울음 소리 (G6,14)
door over/ coming into hearing sad crying sound
( Sad cries that come into hearing over the door. )

찾아왔니 ? (G18,23)
why again came to see (me)?
( Why did you come to see me again?)

이미  차갑게 식어버린 내게(G14,44)
already  coldly cooled down me to
( to me who already coldly cooled down)

너에게 / 나눠 줄 온기는 없는데(G44, 43,38-3)
you to / share warmth  more (I) there's no
(There's no more warmth to share with you.)

이젠 아니야 / 이젠 아니야/ 가 기댈 사람 (G41-1, 43)
from now on  No /from now on  No /  you lean on person
(From now on, no more, no more.  I’m not someone you can lean on.)

Words) 왜: why 또: again 찾아오다: to come to see 널: you (casual, a short form of 너를, 너: you, 를: object marker) 떠나보내다: to let go 비겁하다: to be coward 나: I (casual) 이다: to be  문: door 너머로: over, across 들려오다: to come into hearing 슬프다: to be sad 울음소리: cries ( 울음: crying , 소리: sound) 이미: already 차갑게: coldly 식어버리다: to cool down 내게: to me (casual) 너에게: to you (casual) 나눠주다: to share 온기: warmth 더: more 없다: there's no 이젠: from now on  아니다: to be not , to be no 니: you (casual)기대다: to depend on 사람: person

by Eunha Seo

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