Oct 22, 2014

Red Velvet - Be Natural

All the lyrics are made up of Korean, Korean order and English translation for Korean learners and quizzes are available, too. G # refers to the number in Grammar pages. ( If this is your first visit, please check the page ' K-Grammar basics') Also, you can take quizzes at the bottom.
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Red Velvet - Be Natural ( released in Oct, 2014)

Uh- Baby Come Come Come I’ll be there for you

마음에 있는 세상 (G6, 53)
This heart in existing world and
( There’s a world in my heart and )

보여지는 풍경들과 (G6,53)
Seen landscapes and  
( landscapes you can see and )

느낄 수가 있는 모든 것 (G1,6)
feel can everything  
( everything I can feel)


아이처럼 웃는 얼굴   가끔 가끔씩 (G6,82)
child like smiling face  sometimes sometimes

작은 에 / 옮겨놓고 싶은걸 (G14,4,62)
my small  room to / (I) carry and put want to
( Sometimes I want to take your face that smiles like a child and put it in my small room .)

Oh- So So So

매일 아침 에서
everyday morning dream in
( Every morning in a dream )

매일 같은 에서 (G14)
everyday same place in
( Everyday in the same place)

그댈 만날 수 있어 (G1)
you (I) can meet
( I can meet you )

Oh- Something nobody knows
Feel like heaven’s eyes!

이젠 날아갈 수도 있어 (G1)
from now on (I) fly away can also
( Also, I can fly away from now on.)

문득 난 잠에서 깨어나
suddenly I sleeping from wake up
( Suddenly I wake up  from my sleep.)

창문을 열어두고, (G3)
window (I) open and
( I open the window and,)  

기분 좋은 상상에 빠져있네 (G14,11)
mood good imagination (I'm) falling into
( I'm falling into a feel-good imagination)

단어) 이 : this 마음: heart  있다: to exist , to be  세상: world  보여지다: to be seen 풍경들: landscapes (풍경: landscape 들: -s) 느끼다: to feel 모든 것: everything 아이: child  N처럼: like N 웃다: to smile 얼굴: face 가끔: sometimes 내: my (casual) 작다: to be small 방: room 옮겨 놓다: to  carry and put 매일: everyday  아침: morning 꿈: dream 같다: to be same 곳: place  그댈 : you (poetic, a short form of 그대를, 그대: you , 를: object marker) 만나다: to meet  이젠: from now on 날아가다: to fly away  -도: also- 문득: suddenly 난: I (casual, a short from of 나는, 나: I , 는: topic marker)  잠: sleep 깨어나다: to wake up 창문: window  열어두다:to open 기분 좋다: to feel good ( 기분: mood, 좋다: to be good) 상상: imagination 빠져있다: to fall into


와 같은 세상(G53,14)
me with same world and
( A world that’s the same as mine and)

를 닮은 눈빛(G14,53)
me resembling eye lights and
( Eyes that look like mine and)

수필 같은 넉넉한 말들 (G14)
essay like rich words
( Words which are rich like an essay)

따뜻하게 들려주는 목소리 (G6)
warmly sounding voice
( A voice that sounds warm )

또 다른 나의 모습
another my image

찾을 수 있는 오직사람 (G1,6)
find can  only one person
( The one and only person that can find a different side of me )

단어) 나와 : with me (casual) 같다: to be same 세상: world  나를: me(casual) 닮다: to resemble 눈빛: eye lights, eyes (눈: eye, 빛: light) 수필: essay  같다: to be like  넉넉하다: to be rich (of things) 말들: words 따뜻하게: warmly 들려주다: to let someone hear 목소리: voice  또 다른 N: another N  나의: my (casual) 모습: image 찾다: to find 오직 : only  한 N: one N 사람: person

그대에게 가는 길목(G44,6)
you to going street corner at
( At the street corner that leads to you)

왠지 어린 나의 모습 만날 것 같아 (G14,42-3)
somehow young my image (I) will meet (It)
( Somehow it seems like I’ll meet my younger self.)

작은 을 잡고 그대 얘길 해 주고 싶어(G14,3,4)
Little hand hold and I your story do want to
( I want to hold that little hand and talk about you.)  

Oh- Oh-

단어) 그대: you (poetic) 가다: to go 길목: street corner  왠지: somehow 어리다: to be young 나의: my(casual) 모습: image 만나다: to meet  작다: to be small, to be little 손: hand 잡다: to hold 나: I (casual) 예기: story  하다: to do


와 같은 세상(G53,14)
me with same world and
( A world that’s the same as mine and)

를 닮은 눈빛(G14,53)
me resembling eye lights and
(Eyes that look like mine and)

수필 같은 넉넉한 말들 (G14)
essay like rich words
(Words which are rich like an essay)

따뜻하게 들려주는 목소리 (G6)
warmly sounding voice
( A voice that sounds warm)

또 다른 나의 모습
another my image

찾을 수 있는 오직사람 (G1,6)
find can  only one person
( The one and only person that can find a different side of me)

단어) 나와 : with me (casual) 같다: to be same 세상: world  나를: me(casual) 닮다: to resemble 눈빛: eye lights, eyes (눈: eye, 빛: light) 수필: essay  같다: to be like  넉넉하다: to be rich (of things) 말들: words 따뜻하게: warmly 들려주다: to let someone hear 목소리: voice  또 다른 N: another N  나의: my (casual) 모습: image 찾다: to find 오직 : only  한 N: one N 사람: person

Welcome to my heart Inside
we gonna get to become one
Just holding you forever in my mind

귓가를 어지럽힌 목소리 (G14)
my ear side ruffled voice
( A voice that ruffled my ears)

또 다른 나의 모습
another my image

찾을 수 있는 오직사람 (G1,6)
find can only one person
( The one and only person that can find a different side of me)

단어) 내: my (casual)  귓가: ear side 어지럽히다: to ruffle  목소리: voice  또 다른 N: another N  나의: my (casual) 모습: image 찾다: to find 오직 : only  한 N: one N 사람: person

Quiz created by Eunha Seo with ExamTime

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for your work!