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Got7 - Girls, Girls, Girls ( released in Jan, 2014)
Verse 1)
노력하지 않아도 /왜 그런지 /몰라 (G20,21,24)
(I) try not even if / why (they are) like that / (I) don't know
(Even if I don't try / they are like that , I don’t know why)
나만 보면 / 자지러져 놀라 (G22)
나만 보면 / 자지러져 놀라 (G22)
me just see if / (they) get crazily surprised
(If they just see me, they get crazily surprised )
내 Look 내 Style 내 Swagger
(My look, my style, my swagger)
Oh 아무 것도 안 해도 / 그냥 내가 좋아 (G20,21)
Oh nothing don't do even if /(they) just me like
(Oh, even if I don't do anything, they just like me )
쳐다보며 / 가볍게 다가가 그냥 (G16)
(I) give a glance while / casually approach just
(While giving a glance , I just casually approach )
Hey Girl! How you doing?
Words) 노력하다: to try , to make an effort 왜: why 그렇다: to be like that, to be that way 모르다: not to know ~ 만 : only, just~ 보다 : to see 자지러져 놀라다 : to get surprised crazily 내 N : my N (causal) 아무것도: nothing 하다 : to do 그냥 : just 좋다 : to be good , to like 쳐다보다 : to give a glance 가볍게: lightly , casually 다가가다 : to approach
Girls Girls Girls they love me
나는 왜 몸이 이러는 거니? (G6, 23)
I why body like this ?
(What’s with my body?)
Girls Girls Girls they love me
어릴 적부터 / 계속 쭉 영원히
Young time since / continuously straight forever
(Since young / until forever)
나는 나타나기만 해도 (G5,20)
I show up just even if
(Even if I just show up)
그냥 바라보기만 해도 (G5,20)
Just look (at them) even if
(Even if I just look at them )
그냥 숨쉬기만 해도 (G5,20)
Just breathe even if
(Even if I just breathe )
Girls Girls Girls they love me
살짝만 / 웃어도 (G20)
a little just / smile even if
(Even if I smile just a little)
몸을 살짝만 흔들어도 (G20)
body a little just shake even if
(Even if I shake my body just a little)
난 아무것도 안 해도 (G20,21)
I nothing don't do even if
(Even if I don't do anything)
Girls Girls Girls they love me
Words) 나는 : I & topic marker( same as 난, casual) 몸: body 이렇다: to be like this, to be this way 거: thing 어릴 적: young time ~부터 : from, since~ 계속 : continuously 쭉: straight 영원히 : forever 나타나다 : to show up 바라보다 : to look at 숨 쉬다 : to breathe 살짝 : a little 웃다: to smile 흔들다: to shake
Verse 2)
좋은 건지 아닌지 / 아직 잘 몰라 (G14,24)
whether good thing or not / yet well don't know
(whether it’s good or not , I don't know well yet)
매일 유혹이 너무나도 많아
everyday temptations too many
(too many temptations everyday)
This Girl, That Girl, 하루 종일
This Girl, That Girl, a day all day
(This girl, that girl, all day long)
Oh 맘을 잡고 / 착하게 한 명만 골라 (G3)
Oh (I) mind make up and / nicely one person only choose
(Oh, I make my mind up and choose only one nicely)
만나 보려고 해도 (G9,20,25)
(I) try to meet even if
(Even if I try to meet one)
나를 놓아주질 않아 (G21)
me don't let go
( they don’t let me go)
어쩌면 좋아?
(What should I do? )
Words) 좋다: to be good 거: thing 아니다: not to be 아직: yet 잘 : well 모르다: not to know 매일: everyday 유혹: temptation 너무나도 : too 많다 : to be a lot 하루 종일 : all day long 맘을 잡다 : to make up one's mind ( 맘: mind) 착하게: nicely 한 명: one person ( 명 : counting word for person) 고르다 : to choose 만나다 : to meet 나를 : me ( I & object marker, casual) 놓아주다 : to let go, to release
Girls Girls Girls they love me
나는 왜 몸이 이러는 거니? (G6, 23)
I why body like this ?
(What’s with my body?)
Girls Girls Girls they love me
어릴 적부터 / 계속 쭉 영원히
Young time since / continuously straight forever
(Since young / until forever)
나는 나타나기만 해도 (G5,20)
I show up just even if
(Even if I just show up)
그냥 바라보기만 해도 (G5,20)
Just look (at them) even if
(Even if I just look at them )
그냥 숨쉬기만 해도 (G5,20)
Just breathe even if
(Even if I just breathe )
Girls Girls Girls they love me
살짝만 / 웃어도 (G20)
a little just / smile even if
(Even if I smile just a little)
몸을 살짝만 흔들어도 (G20)
body a little just shake even if
(Even if I shake my body just a little)
난 아무것도 안 해도 (G20,21)
I nothing don't do even if
(Even if I don't do anything)
Girls Girls Girls they love me
Words) 나는 : I & topic marker( same as 난, casual) 몸: body 이렇다: to be like this, to be this way 거: thing 어릴 적: young time ~부터 : from, since~ 계속 : continuously 쭉: straight 영원히 : forever 나타나다 : to show up 바라보다 : to look at 숨 쉬다 : to breathe 살짝 : a little 웃다: to smile 흔들다: to shake
(Rap 1)
Yo Uh 과장하지 말라고 / 과장이면 좋겠어, 제발 (G26,27)
Yo Uh exaggerate don't (people) tell me / an exaggeration (I) I hope (it is ) , please
(People tell me not to exaggerate, but i hope it is an exaggeration, please)
노래가사라고/ 생각하지 말고 / 내 말 있는 그대로/ 믿어줘 (G2,3,28)
song lyrics so -called / think don't and / my word as it is / believe
(Don't think of this as so -called song lyrics and believe my word as it is )
꼬아서 듣지 말고 / 내 얘기 잘 좀 들어줘 (G2,3,28, 29)
twist and listen don't and/ my talk well please listen
(Don’t give a twist and listen , Please just listen to my talk well )
이해가 될 지 / 모르겠지만 (G24,30)
(you will) understand if / (I) don't know but
( I Don’t know if you’ll understand)
난 자석을 먹은 것처럼 (G14)
I magnet ate thing like
(Like I ate a magnet)
주위의 여자를 / 내 몸이 그냥 혼자서 잡아당기는 걸 / 어찌해 (G6,7)
surrounding women/ my body just alone
pulling / I can't help it
That My body pulls the women around to me, I can't help it
오늘 벌써 / 몇 번째 그랬는지 / 몰라 (G24)
today already / how many times (it was) like that / (I) don't know
(I don't know how many time it was like that today already)
식을 줄 모르는 이 놈의 인기를 / 대체 어째 (G6,7,17)
cool down doesn't know this fucking popularity / I can't help it at all
(This fucking popularity doesn't know how to cool down, I can't help it at all.)
Words) 과장하다: to exaggerate (과장: exaggeration ) 제발 : please 노래: song 가사: lyrics ~라고: so- called~ 생각하다 : to think 말: word(s) 있는 그대로 : as it is, the way it is 믿다 : to believe 꼬다 : twist 듣다: to listen 예기: talking , story 좀: please 듣다: to listen 이해되다: to understand 모르겠다 : not to know 자석: magnet 먹다: to eat 것: thing ~ 처럼: like~ 주위: surrounding 여자:woman (women) 혼자서 : alone 잡아당기다: to pull 걸: thing, a contracted form of 것을( 것 & object marker) 오늘:today 벌써: already 몇번째: how many times 그렇다: to be like that, to be that way 모르다 : not to know 식다 : to cool down 이 N: this N 인기: popularity
(Rap 2)
맞아 나이가 많건 적건 동생이건 누나건 (G31)
Right, whether age much or little or younger one or older female
(Right, whether old or young or younger one or older female)
날 잡고 붙잡고 / 좋다고 / 같이 놀자고 (G3, 32,33)
(they) me catch and grab and / like (me) they say / together play we should they say
(They catch& grab me and say that they like me and we should play together)
날 알던 모르던 여자건(G31,34)
whether me used to know or didn't used to know women
(Whether women know me or not)
뭐 하냐고 / 잠깐만 좀 얘기하자고 (G33,35)
what I am doing they ask / a moment just please talk we should they say
(They ask me what I am doing and say that we should talk for a moment, please)
쌍둥이라도 있으면 좋겠어 / 정말 (G27,36)
twin at least (I) have wish / really
(I really wish I had a twin at least )
매트릭스처럼 / 복제라도 할까/ 날 (G36,37)
Matrix like / cloning or something (I) am thinking of / myself
(I am thinking of cloning myself like the Matrix)
내 몸은 하난데 수요는 계속 있으니 (G38,39)
My body one but demand continuously exist
(I am the only one, but am in a continuous demand)
Every lady wants a piece of me
Words) 맞다: to be right , correct 나이: age 많다 : to be a lot (나이가 많다 : to be old) 적다 : to be little (나이가 적다: to be young) 동생: younger sibling, younger one 누나: older female, older sister 날: me, a contracted form of 나를( I & object marker, casual) 잡다: to catch 붙잡다: to grab 같이 : together 놀다: to play 알다: to know 뭐: what 잠깐: a moment 예기하다: to talk 쌍둥이: twin 있다: to have (to exist) 정말: really 복제: cloning 하나: one 수요: demand
나는 나타나기만 해도 (G5,20)
I show up just even if
(Even if I just show up)
그냥 바라보기만 해도 (G5,20)
Just look (at them) even if
(Even if I just look at them )
그냥 숨쉬기만 해도 (G5,20)
Just breathe even if
(Even if I just breathe )
Girls Girls Girls they love me
살짝만 / 웃어도 (G20)
a little just / smile even if
(Even if I smile just a little)
몸을 살짝만 흔들어도 (G20)
body a little just shake even if
(Even if I shake my body just a little)
난 아무것도 안 해도 (G20,21)
I nothing don't do even if
(Even if I don't do anything)
Girls Girls Girls they love me
Words) 나는 : I & topic marker( same as 난, casual) 몸: body 이렇다: to be like this, to be this way 거: thing 어릴 적: young time ~부터 : from, since~ 계속 : continuously 쭉: straight 영원히 : forever 나타나다 : to show up 바라보다 : to look at 숨 쉬다 : to breathe 살짝 : a little 웃다: to smile 흔들다: to shake
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