Jan 20, 2019

Chungha - Gotta go ( 벌써 12시)

You can learn Korean through Chungha - Gotta Go

with a lyrics video, quizzes, grammar, and

vocabulary cards. The following is made up of

Korean, literal order and English translation for

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Please go to #84

Chungha - Gotta Go  (Jan, 2019)

Yeah I like it

을 놓는 것도 (G50)
you words lowering even
( Even when you talk informally,)

Like it

너의 작은 말투(G14)
your little way of talking even
( Even when you talk quietly,)

나쁘지 않은걸 (G21,62)
bad not
(It's) not bad

Boy you know know know know

Like the way

말없이 손을 잡고 (G3)
wordlessly hand (you) hold and
( You hold my hand wordlessly,)

Like the way

조금은 놀래도 (G20)
a little (I) was surprised even
( Even though I was a little surprised,)

싫지가 않은걸 (G21,62)
hate (I) didn’t
( I didn’t hate.)

You know boy boy boy boy

물감처럼 파랗던 (G34)
watercolor like blue  

하늘은 벌써 까맣고 (G3)
sky already black and
( The sky that was like blue watercolor already
turned black and,)

감정은 더 깊어져 (G112)
emotion more get deep
( Emotions get deeper.)


I gotta tell you this

우리 둘만 느껴지는 이상한 느낌 (G6,14)
we two only feel strange feeling
( This strange feeling that only we’re feeling,)

도 너무 좋아
I also very like
( I also like it so much.)

But it’s too late

단어) 네 : you ( written), 말을 놓다 : to talk informally,
너의 ; your ( informal), 작다: to be small, 말투 ; way
of talking, 나쁘다 : to be bad, 말없이 : wordlessly,
손 : hand, 잡다 : to hold, 조금 : a little, 놀라다 : to be
surprised, 싫다 : to hate, 물감 ; watercolor,
N처럼 : like N, 파랗다 : to be blue, 하늘 : sky,
벌써 : already, 까맣다 : to be black, 감정: emotion,
더 : more, 깊다 : to be deep,  우리 : we, 둘: two,
N만: only N, 느껴지다 : to feel, 이상하다: to be
strange, 느낌: feeling, 나: I (casual), N도: also,
너무 : very, 좋다: to like,

It’s a bummer.

벌써 12시
(It's) already 12

What should I do?

벌써 12시네 (G11)
(It’s) already 12.

보내주기 싫은걸 (G5,62)
let you go (I) hate
( I hate to let you go.)

알고 있어 (G52)
(I) know.

how you feel it

음악에 맞춰
music with match
( Along with music,)

사랑을 속삭이고 싶어 (G4)
love (I) whisper wanna
( I wanna whisper love.)


우리 맘이 같은 걸 (G62)
we two heart same
( We both feel the same.)

Gotta go gotta go

12 o'clock

같은 생각인 걸 알고 있는데 (G14,50-2,52,38-1)
same thought (I) know but
( I know we feel the same but,)

이상은 솔직할 수 없는 걸 (G1,62)
any more honest can’t
( I can’t get any more honest.)

Gotta go gotta go

12 o'clock

단어 ) 아쉽다: to be a bummer, 벌써 : already,
보내주다: to let go , 싫다 : to hate, 알다 : to know,
음악 : music, 맞추다: to match, 사랑: love,
속삭이다: to whisper, 솔직히 : honestly, 우리: we,
둘: two, 맘: heart, 같다: to be the same, 생각: thought
더 이상: anymore, 솔직하다: to be honest

어쩜 우린 닮은 것도 많아 (G14)
how we common things even many
( We have so much in common.)

취향, 취미
taste , hobby
(Our) tastes, (our) hobbies

먹을 때도 말야 (G12)
eat when even I mean
( I mean, even when we eat.)

You’re reading my heart

일찍 알았다면 (G18,22)
a bit more early (I) knew if
( If only I knew you earlier,)

어땠을까? (G18,47)
how was
( What would it be like?)

생각하게 돼 (G102)
(I'm) thinking


별들은 더 빛나고 (G3)
stars more shine and
( The stars shine more and,)

시간은 점점 지나고 (G3)
time bit by bit pass and,
( Time keeps ticking.)

감성은 더 짙어져 (G112)
emotions more get dense
( Emotions get thicker.)

I gotta tell you this

에게만 느껴지는 포근한 느낌 (G6,14)
you in only feel cozy feeling
( A coziness that I feel only in you)

도 너무 좋아
I also very like
( I also like it so much.)

But it’s too late

단어) 어쩜 adv/ adj  : how adv/ adj , 우리 : we, 닮다 :
to have in common, 것 : thing , -도 : even , also,  
많다 : to be a lot, 취향: taste, 취미: hobby, 먹다: to eat,
좀 :a bit , 더 : more, 일찍 : early, 알다 : to know,
생각하다: to think, 별들: stars, 빛나다: to shine,
시간; time, 점점: bit by bit, 지나다: to pass,
감성: emotion, 짙다: to be dense, 너: you, - 만 : only - ,
느끼다: to feel, 포근하다 : to be cozy, 느낌: feeling,
나 : I , 너무 : very, 좋다: to like,

It’s a bummer.

벌써 12시
(It's) already 12

What should I do?

벌써 12시네 (G11)
(It’s) already 12.

보내주기 싫은걸 (G5,62)
let you go (I) hate
( I hate to let you go.)

알고 있어 (G52)
(I) know.

how you feel it

음악에 맞춰
music with match
( Along with music,)

사랑을 속삭이고 싶어 (G4)
love (I) whisper wanna
( I wanna whisper love.)


우리 맘이 같은 걸 (G62)
we two heart same
( We both feel the same.)

Gotta go gotta go

12 o'clock

같은 생각인 걸 알고 있는데 (G14,50-2,52,38-1)
same thought (I) know but
( I know we feel the same but,)

이상은 솔직할 수 없는 걸 (G1,62)
any more honest can’t
( I can’t get any more honest.)

Gotta go gotta go

12 o'clock

단어 ) 아쉽다: to be a bummer, 벌써 : already,
보내주다: to let go , 싫다 : to hate, 알다 : to know,
음악 : music, 맞추다: to match, 사랑: love,
속삭이다: to whisper, 솔직히 : honestly, 우리: we,
둘: two, 맘: heart, 같다: to be the same, 생각: thought,
더 이상: anymore, 솔직하다: to be honest

corner in
( In the corner,)

heart one corner in
( In the corner of my heart,)

조그만 붙잡고 있는 걸 (G14,52,62)
small string (I) am holding
(I’m holding on to a small string.)

Baby don’t wanna be alone

늦으면 (G22-1)
late if
( If it gets late,)

늦어지면 (G112,22-1)
more late if
( If it gets any later,)


놓아버릴지 몰라 (G56,96)
everything (l) let go might
( Somehow , I might let go of everything.)

I’m really trying to make you see

It’s a bummer.

벌써 12시
(It's) already 12

What should I do?

벌써 12시네 (G11)
(It’s) already 12.

보내주기 싫은걸 (G5,62)
let you go (I) hate
( I hate to let you go.)

알고 있어 (G52)
(I) know.

how you feel it
Gotta go gotta go

12 o'clock

단어 ) 구석 : corner, 맘 ; heart, 한N : one N,
구석: corner, 조그많다 : to be small, 끈 : string,
붙잡다; to hold, 늦다: to be late, 더 : more,
어쩌면 : maybe,  다 : everything, 놓다: to let go of,  
아쉽다: to be a bummer, 벌써 : already,
보내주다: to let go , 싫다 : to hate, 알다 : to know,

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