May 31, 2018

BTS - Fake Love

You can learn Korean through BTS - Fake Love with

a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, and

quizzes. The following is made up of Korean, literal

order and English translation for Korean learners

\and you can take quizzes at the bottom.

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Please go to #70

BTS - Fake Love ( May, 2018)

위해서라면 (G109)
you for
( For you,)

슬퍼도 기쁜 척 할 수가 있었어 (G20,80,1,18)
I sad even happy pretend (I) could
( I could pretend like I was happy even when I was

위해서라면 (G109)
you for
( For you,)

아파도 강한 척 할 수가 있었어 (G20,80,1,18)
I hurt even strong pretend (I) could
( I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt.)

사랑이 사랑만으로 완벽하길 (G40-1,48)
love love only as perfect (I) wish
( I wish love was perfect as love itself.)

모든 약점들은 다 숨겨지길 (G48)
my all weaknesses all hidden (I) wish
( I wish all my weaknesses could be hidden.)

이뤄지지 않는 속에서 (G6)
come true not dream in

피울 수 없는 키웠어 (G1,18)
Bloomed can't flower (I) grew
( I grew a flower that can’t be bloomed in a dream
that can’t come true.)

I'm so sick of this fake love, fake love, fake love
I'm so sorry but it's fake love, fake love, fake love

단어) 널 : you ( a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 :
object marker) , N 위해서 : for N ,
난 : I ( a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker)
, 슬프다 : to be sad , 기쁘다 : to be happy , 아프다 : to
be sick , 강하다 : to be strong , 사랑 : love ,
N만 : only N , 완벽하다 : to be perfect,
내 : my ( casual) , 모든 N : all N , 약점: weakness ,
N들 : N ( plural) , 다 : all , 숨겨지다 : to be hidden ,
이뤄지다 : to come true , 꿈 : dream ,
N속에서 : in(side) of N , 피우다 : to bloom ,
꽃 : flower , 키우다 : to grow,

I wanna be a good man just for you

세상을 줬네 (G18,11)
world (I) gave
( I gave the world.)

just for you

전부 바꿨어 (G18)
everything (I) changed
( I changed everything.)
Just for you
Now I don't know me, who are you?

우리만의 (G7)
Our only forest
( The forest just for us)

너는 없었어 (G18)
You weren’t (there)

내가 왔던 route (G34)
I came route
( The route that I took )

잊어버렸어 (G56,18)
(I) forgot
( I forgot the route that I took)

도 내가 누구였는지도 모르게 됐어(G18, 24-3,102)
I even I who was well unsure became
( I even became quite unsure of who I was.)

거울에다 지껄여 봐 (G9)
mirror into babble try
( Try babbling into the mirror.)

는 대체 누구니? (G23)
you on earth who?
( Who the heck are you?)

단어) 세상 : world , 주다 : to give , 전부 : everything,
바꾸다 : to change , 우리 : our , N만 : only N ,
숲 : forest , 너 : you ( casual), 없다 : to not exist ,
내가 : I ( casual) , 오다 : to come , 잊다 : to forget,
나 : I , N도 : even N , 내가 : I ( casual) , 누구: who ,
잘 : well , 모르다 : to not know , 거울 : mirror,
N에다 : into / on N , 지껄이다 : to babble ,
대체 : what on earth,

위해서라면 (G109)
you for
( For you,)

슬퍼도 기쁜 척 할 수가 있었어 (G20,80,1,18)
I sad even happy pretend (I) could
( I could pretend like I was happy even when I was

위해서라면 (G109)
you for
( For you,)

아파도 강한 척 할 수가 있었어 (G20,80, 1,18)
I hurt even strong pretend (I) could
( I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt.)

사랑이 사랑만으로 완벽하길 (G40-1,48)
love love only as perfect (I) wish
( I wish love was perfect as love itself.)

모든 약점들은 다 숨겨지길 (G48)
my all weaknesses all hidden (I) wish
( I wish all my weaknesses could be hidden.)

이뤄지지 않는 속에서 (G6)
come true not dream in

피울 수 없는 키웠어 (G1,18)
Bloomed can't flower (I) grew
( I grew a flower that can’t be bloomed in a dream
that can’t come true.)

단어) 널 : you ( a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 :
object marker) , N 위해서 : for N ,
난 : I ( a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker)
, 슬프다 : to be sad , 기쁘다 : to be happy ,
아프다 : to be sick , 강하다 : to be strong , 사랑 : love,
N만 : only N , 완벽하다 : to be perfect,
내 : my ( casual) , 모든 N : all N , 약점: weakness ,
N들 : N ( plural) , 다 : all , 숨겨지다 : to be hidden ,
이뤄지다 : to come true , 꿈 : dream ,
N속에서 : in(side) of N , 피우다 : to bloom ,
꽃 : flower , 키우다 : to grow ,

Love you so bad,
Love you so bad

위해 예쁜 거짓빚어내 (G14)
you for pretty lie (I) mold
( I mold a pretty lie for you.)

Love you so mad
Love you so mad

me erase
( I erase myself.)

너의 인형이 되려 해 (G25)
your doll become try
( I try to become your doll.)

Love you so bad
Love you so bad

위해 예쁜 거짓빚어내 (G14)
you for pretty lie (I) mold
( I mold a pretty lie for you.)

Love you so mad
Love you so mad

me erase
( I erase myself.)

너의 인형이 되려 해 (G25)
your doll become try
( I try to become your doll.)

I'm so sick of this fake love, fake love, fake love
I'm so sorry but it's fake love, fake love, fake love

단어) 널 : you ( a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 :
object marker) , N 위해 : for N ,
예쁘다 : to be pretty , 거짓 : a lie , 빚어내다 : to mold ,
날 : me ( casual) , 지우다  : to erase ,
너의 : your ( casual) , 인형 : doll , 되다 : to become ,

Why you sad?
I don't know

I don't know

웃어 봐 (G9)
Smile try
( Try smiling.)

(I) love (you)

말해 봐 (G9)
Say try
( Try saying.)

me look
( Look at me.)

조차도 버린 (G14)
me even gave up on I
( Even I gave up on myself.)

조차 이해할 수 없는 (G1,6)
you even understand can't me
( Even you can’t understand me.)

낯설다 하네 (G32,11)
unfamiliar (you) say
( You say I’m unfamiliar.)

가 좋아하던 나로 변한 내가 (G34,14)
you like used to me changed I

아니라 하네 (G32-3)
not (you) say
(You say I’m not familiar,  changed into the one you
used to like.)

예전에 니가 잘 알고 있던 내가 (G52,34)
before you well knew I
( You say I’m not myself which you knew well.)

아니긴 가 아냐 (G41-1)
No? What (do you mean) no ?

눈 멀었어 (G18)
( I am blind.)  

사랑은 뭐가 사랑?
love what (is) love?
( Love? What is love?)  

It's all fake love

단어) 난 : I ( casual , a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는:
topic marker) , 모르다 : to not know ,
웃다 : to smile , 사랑하다 : to love , 말하다 : to say ,
나를 : me ( casual) , 보다 : to look ,
N조차도 : even N , 버리다 :  to give up ,
너: you ( casual) , 이해하다 : to understand,
낯설다 : to be unfamiliar, 니: you ( casual) ,
좋아하다 : to like , N(으)로 변하다 : to change into N ,
내가 : I ( casual) , 아니다 : to not be , 예전에 : before ,
잘 : well , 알다 : to know , 뭐 : what ,
눈 멀다 : to be blind , 사랑 : love ,

I don't know, I don't know, I don't know why

I even myself

I even myself

well (I) don't know
( I don’t know myself.)

(Woo) I just know, I just know, I just know why
Cuz its all fake love, fake love, fake love

Love you so bad,
Love you so bad

위해 예쁜 거짓빚어내 (G14)
you for pretty lie (I) mold
( I mold a pretty lie for you.)

Love you so mad
Love you so mad

me erase
( I erase myself.)

너의 인형이 되려 해 (G25)
your doll become try
( I try to become your doll.)

Love you so bad
Love you so bad

위해 예쁜 거짓빚어내 (G14)
you for pretty lie (I) mold
( I mold a pretty lie for you.)

Love you so mad
Love you so mad

me erase
( I erase myself.)

너의 인형이 되려 해 (G25)
your doll become try
( I try to become your doll.)

I'm so sick of this fake love, fake love, fake love
I'm so sorry but it's fake love, fake love, fake love

단어) 나 : I ( casual) ,  N도 : even N , 날 : me ( a short
form of 나를 , 나 : I , 를 : object ) , 잘 : well ,
모르겠다 : to not know ,지우다  : to erase , 너의 : your
( casual) , 인형 : doll , 되다 : to become ,
널 : you ( a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 :
object marker) , N 위해 : for N , 예쁘다 : to be pretty ,
거짓 : a lie , 빚어내다 : to mold ,

위해서라면 (G109)
you for
( For you,)

슬퍼도 기쁜 척 할 수가 있었어 (G20,80, 1,18)
I sad even happy pretend (I) could
( I could pretend like I was happy even when I was

위해서라면 (G109)
you for
( For you,)

아파도 강한 척 할 수가 있었어 (G20,80, 1,18)
I hurt even strong pretend (I) could
( I could pretend like I was strong when I was hurt.)

사랑이 사랑만으로 완벽하길 (G40-1,48)
love love only as perfect (I) wish
( I wish love was perfect as love itself.)

모든 약점들은 다 숨겨지길 (G48)
my all weaknesses all hidden (I) wish
( I wish all my weaknesses could be hidden.)

이뤄지지 않는 속에서 (G6)
come true not dream in

피울 수 없는 키웠어 (G1,18)
Bloomed can't flower (I) grew
( I grew a flower that can’t be bloomed in a dream
that can’t come true.)

단어) 널 : you ( a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 :
object marker) , N 위해서 : for N ,
난 : I ( a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topic marker )
, 슬프다 : to be sad , 기쁘다 : to be happy ,
아프다 : to be sick , 강하다 : to be strong ,
사랑 : love , N만 : only N , 완벽하다 : to be perfect,
내 : my ( casual) , 모든 N : all N , 약점: weakness ,
N들 : N ( plural) , 다 : all , 숨겨지다 : to be hidden
, 이뤄지다 : to come true , 꿈 : dream ,
N속에서 : in(side) of N , 피우다 : to bloom ,
꽃 : flower , 키우다 : to grow ,

Quiz created by Eunha Seo with GoConqr