Nov 28, 2017

Red Velvet - Peek-A-Boo

You can learn Korean through Red Velvet - Peek-A-BOO with a lyrics video, grammar, vocabulary cards, and quizzes. The following is made up of Korean, literal order and English translation for Korean learners and you can take quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the number in Grammar pages.  If this is your first visit, please check the page 'K-Grammar basics'   I hope you enjoy learning Korean and my blog will be much helpful. ^_^  Please visit my Facebook page and ' like' it to get the latest updates in your news feed. If you are seriously interested in learning Korean by Skype , please contact my personal facebook and drop me a message for more information .

Please go to #59

Red Velvet - Peek-A-Boo (Nov,  2017)

Hmm yeah (Yeah)
Oh gosh

Going crazy

(Oh gosh)


난 좀 기분파
I ( am) a bit emotional person.


금방 사랑에 빠져
quickly again love in (I) fall
( I fall in love quickly, again.)

(Yeah yeah yeah yeah)

new things only (I) like
( I like only new things.)

반짝거리죠? (G45)
(They’re) sparkling, right?

다들 그렇잖아요. (G61)
( Everyone is like that, you know. )

맞죠? (G45)

단어) 난리 : going crazy ,  fuss , 맞다: to be right , 난: I ( a short form of 나는, 나: I , 는: topic marker) , 좀 : a bit , 기분파 : an emotional person , 금방: quickly , 사랑에 빠지다 : to fall in love , 새 : new , 것 : thing , N만: only N , 좋아하다: to like , 반짝거리다 : to sparkle, 다들 : everyone , 그렇다 : to be like that ,


설렐 때만 (G12)
(my) heart flutter when only
( Only when my heart flutters,)

사랑이니까 (G39-1)
love is because
( Because it is love,)

La la la la la

친구 모두 소리쳐
My friends all yell ( at me).

정말 문제(G41)
You (are) the real problem.

I’m fine fine fine fine fine fine


Heu-Heung Yi
(Fox’s sound )

I ( am) a fox.

그 그런 라구 (G32-3)
that that me
( That's me.)


단어) 설레다 : to flutter ( of heart ) , N만 : only , just N , 사랑 : love , 내 : my ( casual ) , 친구 : friend , 모두 : everyone , 소리치다 : to yell , 넌 : you ( you,  a short form of 너는, 너: you , 는: topic marker) , 정말 : really , 문제 : problem , 난: I ( a short form of 나는, 나: I , 는: topic marker) ,  여우 : fox , 그렇다 : to be (like)  that , 나: me , I

I said 1, 2, 3
Play the game again

버튼을 눌러 보자 (G9,33-1)
button press try let's
( Let's try pressing the button.)

쿵푸만큼 빨리 (G64-4)
Kung Fu as fast as
( As fast as Kung Fu,)

중간에 변해도 (G20)
In the middle , my mind changes even if
( Even if I change my mind in the middle of it, )

놀라지 말기 (G2,5)
be surprised don't  
( Don't be surprised.)

By any chance ,

끌리지 않니? (G21,23)
attracted aren't (you) ?
( Aren't you attracted to me? )

그럼,  Excuse me
Then, excuse me.

자! 전화해요
Come on! Call ( me)  

밤새 또 놀러 가요 (G54)
all night again play go
( Let’s go to play all night , again. )


Restart a game

Rush forward

Roll it.


오늘 저녁도
Today evening as well

(Let’s go)

놀이터는 붐비고 (G3)
(The) playground is crowded and,

지루해질 조차 없죠 (G112,43,45)
Boring moment even doesn't exist
( There's even no time to be bored.)

(Yeah yeah yeah)

Round and round


다들 똑같죠 (G45)
Everyone ( is) the same.

마침내 마주친 눈빛 (G14)
Finally met eyes
( Our eyes that met finally )

단어) 버튼 : button , 누르다 : to press , 빨리: fast , 중간에 : in the middle , 내 : my ( casual ) , 맘 : heart , 변하다 : to change, 놀라다 : to be surprised, 혹시 : by any chance , 끌리다 : to be attracted, 그럼 : then , 자 !  : Come on!, 전화하다 : to call, 밤새 : all night , 또 : again , 놀러가다 : to go hang out , to go  play , 함께 : together, 돌진하다 : to rush forward , 오늘 : today , 저녁 : evening , N도 : even, also , 놀이터 : playground , 붐비다: to be crowded, 지루하다 : to be bored , 틈 : a moment , N조차 : even N , 없다 : to not exist , to not have , 빙글빙글 : round and round , 돌다 : to turn , 다들 : everyone , 똑같다 : to be the same , 마침내 : finally , 마주치다 : to happen to meet , 눈빛 : eyes ( 눈 : eye, 빛 : light)


( This is) new

사랑인가요? (G60)
love is?
( Is this love? )

La la la la la

친구 모두 소리쳐
My friends all yell ( at me).

정말 문제(G41)
You (are) the real problem.

I’m fine fine fine fine fine fine
(Ma Boo-Boo-Boo


단어) 새롭다 : to be new , 사랑 : love , N이다 : to be N,  내 : my ( casual ) , 친구 : friend , 모두 : everyone , 소리치다 : to yell , 넌 : you ( you,  a short form of 너는, 너: you , 는: topic marker) , 정말 : really , 문제 : problem ,

술래는 너로 정해졌어 (G40-1,18)
Tagger, you have been decided
( You are the tagger.)

재밌을 거야 (G8-1)
fun (it) will
( It’ll be fun.)

끼워 줄게 (G57)
include you (I) will
( I’ll include you.)


이 정글짐에 걸릴 시간까지 (G43)
that moon jungle gym on hangs time till
( Till that moon hangs on the jungle gym, )

노는 거야 (G50,41)
( We play.)



( It’s strange.)

어라? 넌 좀 달라
Huh ? You ( are) a bit different

이런 게임 멈추고 (G3)
this game (I) stop and
( I stop this game and,)

너를 다시 보게 돼 (G102)
you again (I)  look came to
( I came to look at you again.)

무섭지 않아 (G21)
afraid not
( I’m not afraid.)

새로운 얘기가 펼쳐질 거라는 걸 (G14,8-1,50)
I new story opening

방금 느꼈으니까 (G18,39)
just felt because
( Because I just felt that a new story will be opening.)

(Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)

단어) 술래 : tagger , 너 : you ( casual ) ,정해지다 : to be decided , 재미있다 : to be fun, interesting, 끼어주다 : to include someone , 저 N : that N , 달 : moon , 정글 : jungle , (place)에 걸리다 : to hang on place , 시간 : time , N까지 : until / by N , 놀다 : to play , 이상하다 : to be strange , 어라? : Huh? 넌 : you ( a short form of 너는 , 너 : you , 는 : topic marker ) , 좀 : a bit ,다르다 : to be different , 이런 N : this (kind of ) N , 게임 : game , 멈추다 : to stop, 너 : you ( casual) , 다시 : again , 보다 : to look, 무섭다 : to be afraid , 난: I ( a short form of 나는, 나: I , 는: topic marker) , 새롭다 : to be new , 얘기 : story , 펼쳐지다 : to open , 방금 : just , 느끼다 : to feel ,

(La la la la la)

Heu-Heung Yi
(Fox’s sound )

I ( am) a fox.

그 그런 라구 (G32-3)
that that me
( That's me.)

(La la Peek-A-Boo)

술래는 너로 정해졌어 (G40-1,18)
Tagger, you have been decided
( You are the tagger.)

재밌을 거야 (G8-1)
fun (it) will
( It’ll be fun.)

끼워 줄게 (G57)
include you (I) will
( I’ll include you.)


이 정글짐에 걸릴 시간까지 (G43)
that moon jungle gym on hangs time till
( Till that moon hangs on the jungle gym, )

노는 거야 (G50,41)
( We play.)


술래는 너로 정해졌어 (G40-1,18)
Tagger, you have been decided
( You are the tagger.)

재밌을 거야 (G8-1)
fun (it) will
( It’ll be fun.)

끼워 줄게 (G57)
include you (I) will
( I’ll include you.)


이 정글짐에 걸릴 시간이지만 (G43,30)
that moon jungle gym on hangs time is but
( It is time for that moon to hang on the jungle gym but,)

놀자 (G33-1)
more play let’s
( Let’s play more.)



단어 ) 난: I ( a short form of 나는, 나: I , 는: topic marker) ,  여우 : fox , 그렇다 : to be (like)  that , 나: me , I ,술래 : tagger , 너 : you ( casual ) ,정해지다 : to be decided , 재미있다 : to be fun, interesting, 끼어주다 : to include someone , 저 N : that N , 달 : moon , 정글 : jungle , (place)에 걸리다 : to hang on place , 시간 : time , N이다 : to be N, 놀다 : to play

Quiz created by Eunha Seo with GoConqr